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Come on in Team Maraqua players (and supporters :P).


Let's discuss everything AND BRING THIS CUP HOME! :D


I'm excited for this year :D I really hope this is Maraqua's year.


My goal is not only All Star for the year, but to go above what I played last year. (I've increased my rank each year, starting with rank 10 my first year to All Star the last 3 years, with more games past AS each year.)


I'm excited for this year :D I really hope this is Maraqua's year.


My goal is not only All Star for the year, but to go above what I played last year. (I've increased my rank each year, starting with rank 10 my first year to All Star the last 3 years, with more games past AS each year.)

Me too :D I really hope we finally get third or higher!


Good luck on that goal! That sounds crazy difficult :P


I hope I just get past Rank 1 this year. Last year I was gone on vacation the whole summer, and this summer, I am gone for like 3 weeks... So anything outside of the basic Rank 0 will be great! lol :P

  • 2 weeks later...

I've got a bit going on this June, I'll just hope to get All-Star again this year (would be my 2nd time), hope there's a REALLY good piece of battledome equipment in the prize shop, and earn enough points to get that weapon that I hope will be there. lol I was supremely disappointed when there wasn't a high-powered weapon last year. Since it WAS the best AC I'd ever played. Oh well, fingers crossed for this year. ;) I've already signed with Maraqua, and my guild, though it's small, all the active members decided to join Maraqua too! So like, maybe 5 more besides me? LOL ;)


Sorry to hear you're under the weather Paperdoll66. I hope you feel better soon!


So, I just got back from being out of town, visiting family and celebrating my birthday this past weekend. I'm kinda posting because I thought it'd be tricky getting back into the "groove" of playing YYB after a whole year. I completely forgot it started the real matches today! LOL So I've only got 3 games in, but all 3 games were over 8 points. If I read the in-game instructions right, that means we got 24 team points, right? My first couple games were a little shaky, 9-0 and 10-1, but I MUST be settling in well, because I just got my first 16-0 win. XD It would be nice if the team got more extra points for like, perhaps scoring 10+ to 0. What do you guys think?


I probably won't get very far tonight, with what little time is left in the Neo-day and I have an appointment tomorrow, so I can't stay up uber late. But at least I can try to rack up a mess of team points! LOL


GO Maraqua! :D


My goal of maxing SoSD each day has already not worked out. I finished moving yesterday and was so exhausted I slept through the day. I definitely plan to make up for it this week though.


I've maxed SoSD today and plan to play about 50 games of MSN to make level 2. Then, maybe 10 or so games of SS.


Glad you've finished moving Spritzie! LOL It's no wonder you overslept, you must've been exhausted!


I've managed 14 games of YYB so far... I'm always a slow starter during the AC. lol But, each game was a win of/by 10 or more points. So adding to the team points when I can. :) The number of games of any of the games is always so daunting until I get to 100 or higher in total games played. Oh well. ;)


I think there is an avatar for both the regular AC and maybe the Staff Tournament, but I really don't recall for sure. If you check the TDN avatars... Ok, looks like there are some avatars.




Good luck to you and all Maraquans! :D C'mon all! Let's post and keep this thread at the top where it belongs! :D


I just finished my 400th YYB game, and I've watched 6 movies and half a season of The X-Files.  There's a ton of horror movies coming out this month, so I think this is going to be a fun Cup for me.


I just finished my 400th YYB game, and I've watched 6 movies and half a season of The X-Files.  There's a ton of horror movies coming out this month, so I think this is going to be a fun Cup for me.

I started Serial at the beginning of AC and I just finished the last episode tonight! My old laptop seems suspiciously laggy when I have other stuff open so I've been listening to podcasts from my phone. 


LOL It's a bit tricky to watch and play at the same time, especially since I'm a score-oriented player, aside from winning with the best scores I can muster, I'm trying to see if a score of 18 is even possible. (17 is my highest score) Anyway, so I'm listening to music. Got this one recording that survived since 1984, of my late dad, uncles and Grandpa, who's surprisingly still kicking at 92, anyway, they did this St. Patrick's Day thing in a church basement back then. I have the mp3s I made from the recording playing, but I AM missing the jokes and stories in-between. If anyone's interested, this video playlist on youtube plasy the whole of the 25 songs in order, including the in-between stuff. Grandpa's pretty funny, still is. XD



Anyway, there are 25 clips, and most of the songs are Irish, with some American Folk, and Western thrown in for good measure. I have ENOUGH other stuff open that I don't want to have another browser window. So I'm listening to the mp3s I made on my computer.

Pretty good stuff. Full disclosure, these are OLD songs, and there are some drinking references (Irish, remember? LOL) I was almost 3 when this was recorded, in fact you can see mini-myself in a couple of the later vids. LOL


Anyway, just thought I'd share in case anyone was interested. ;)


I JUST finished my 200th win at YYB. Still got a ways to go to catch up to where I wanna be.


Go Maraqua! :D


It has been nice not waking up disappointed these last few days.


17-0 is my highest, too.  I don't think I'll be having any of those games against Roo Island, though.  It's too bad that we played Lost Desert twice last bracket instead of Moltara, because I had the most 17-0 games against them for some reason.


I find that I play better when I don't think too much about my score.  If I'm trying to get a certain score, that's usually when I have a hard time.  I just don't submit scores (after subtracting any goals the other team scored) that are too much lower than my GPG.


First off, congrats on 17-0! I haven't heard about many other people reaching it, but I'm sure there are quite a few that nobody ever knows about.


Since the GPG isn't vital to the game, and I don't usually have a lot of time to play, I just send all my wins in. Cursing at the Darigan Yooyu that eats away 60+ seconds of time... lol Sometimes it's only about 4-6 seconds, but I'm not usually that lucky. ;) My GPG is somewhere around 11.70 as of the last time I checked.


Yeah, I agree. When I start having a great game is usually when I'm more likely to mess something up and lose out on trying to reach 18. I don't know anyone who's reached it before, so I'm trying to see if it's even possible.


Gotta get back to YYBing, so best of luck to you and all our teammates here! Go Maraqua! :D

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