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Our Customization team is seeking fellow Neopians who love to play dress-up with their pets and would be available to help keep our database updated. If you are interested in all that customization has to offer, why not apply now!


Click the above image to apply to become part of our team!

We are looking for Neopians who can be online regularly around 12pm NST and later in the afternoon for the news release, usually between 2pm and 4pm NST.

  • Be interested and involved in customizing your pets.
  • Have at least basic knowledge of HTML and BBCode.
  • Must be available regularly. We are a busy department!


  • Available to do noon and news updates frequently.
  • Add new items to the database upon release as well as update any relevant guides.
  • Make a news post on the forums when one is required.
  • Write new game and event guides when necessary. We'll give you a tutorial!

If you are interested in joining our team, but Customization doesn't interest you, we have other departments hiring as well. By joining our team you'll have the opportunity to work with some amazing people from around the world.


This seems like fun but I haven't gotten too into the cutomization side of Neopets yet. Some of the other positions seem really interesting as well but living in China makes it difficult with the time difference. Maybe when I return to Canada in a few months I will revisit this if you're still looking for people. Best wishes finding others to join the TDN Team! :)


This seems like fun but I haven't gotten too into the cutomization side of Neopets yet. Some of the other positions seem really interesting as well but living in China makes it difficult with the time difference. Maybe when I return to Canada in a few months I will revisit this if you're still looking for people. Best wishes finding others to join the TDN Team! :)

Normally we are hiring on a continuous basis, we just don't always advertise it all the time. :)

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