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What Social media do you use/follow neopets content on?

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That's the question~


Let me know what social media you use to blog, create, or follow post neopets content with! And which ones are you most active and least active on?



I am most active on:




But I also use:



Facebook -


Looking forward to reading your replies ^_^

I want to find out what the most popular forms of social media are when it comes to neopets :)


I love LiveJournal so I joined the Neopian Adults community there but unfortunately it doesn't seem very active. That's the story with a lot of communties on LJ though which makes me sad.


I also recently joined the Neopets subreddit on reddit.com. That seems to be the most active community, there are always a bunch of new posts everytime I visit. I'm still not fond of the way the site is set up though - seems so disorganized to me but maybe I just have to get used to it.


Well, TDN obviously. I think that applies to all of us without saying. x3


Otherwise, I lurk on reddit sometimes and check the Neopets page on Facebook. That's it really. I might join the Neopets subreddit sometime- it'd be my first reddit account.


I use Facebook and TDNF, but now I'm very interested in the Neopets subreddit, thank you so much for the link!


Also, since we're on it, could you guys recommend some good Neopets-related Tumblrs? Active ones prefferably :)


I have Neopets liked on Facebook, but it's not in my feed and I only occasionally check it. I also check TNT's twitter once in awhile, usually when something really different is going on. I'm part of the Neopian Adults community on LiveJournal, but I'm not even remotely active on LJ anymore, so that doesn't really count.


I come here for Neopets related stuff. My signature, where is says I've been playing Neopets too much came from Tumblr.


I liked Neopets on FB as well for updates.


I had Neopets "liked" on Facebook but I think I recently unliked them. I'm very active on facebook but I kind of like to limit the amount of "liked" pages that will appear in my news feed. I go to the page quite frequently though for news. I'm not very active on twitter much or any other social media. I actually get pretty much all neopets news from the website itself or TDN.


Whoa, looks like I need to get myself a reddit then xD


I use Facebook and TDNF, but now I'm very interested in the Neopets subreddit, thank you so much for the link!


Also, since we're on it, could you guys recommend some good Neopets-related Tumblrs? Active ones prefferably :)


My Tumblr is very active atm. It´s called neo-town :) (if youre searching through tumblr search #NeotownPosts will bring you to the account)


I use Facebook and TDNF, but now I'm very interested in the Neopets subreddit, thank you so much for the link!


Also, since we're on it, could you guys recommend some good Neopets-related Tumblrs? Active ones prefferably :)

I use TDN and tumblr.

There are a lot of amazing people on tumblr, and there would be a lot of names to list! I'll list some that I really like, and then you can find more from following them (if you choose to.)




*Misterneopia (On hiatus on and off, but still fairly active!)


*Mutantwocky (On hiatus, maybe? still awesome)















*Neopianangst (hasn't updated in 3 months, but one of the blogs that made me create my own, so I had to include it)


Sorry if I didn't include anyone! I was going to include a lot more, but then I realized it would be really long so I cut it down to the 20 here.


Reddit is confusing... It looks more like a forum, but then all of a sudden when you click a post you´re directed to imgur or something? Which has a completely different site url than reddit.

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