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I have a question regarding neopets TOS.


Rule number 5 states clearly that we can't post or send through the site (neopets) any links containing or relating to promotion offering prizes of any sort.


What I understand from this rule means that an external site can't have contests or giveaway. But some well known unofficial neopets fansite have giveaway or are offering prizes sometimes. Is that a freezable offense according to the TOS or not? And why?


Also, if I want to run activities in my guild, explain them on a external website and don't give ITEMS or NPs as a prize, but something more honorific (awards, subcouncil spot during a week, the chance to participate into special auctions or similar things), would I be transgressing the TOS or not? Why?

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What I'm getting from that rule you posted is that you can't link to any giveaways you're holding on Neopets as it typically leads to people scamming. If your guild is ligit and you're offering out prizes for no monetary gain then I think it's fine. Don't take my word for it though. You don't know what TNT might be thinking...

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There are several things in the Neopets T&S that make little sense to me -- the major one being the rules about side accounts, especially the fact that there's a clear rule against making NP in *any* way on them -- as a side note, while I do understand that with the dailies and even shops, it seems like anyone who's actually willing to take the time to sit down and play games on all their accounts ought to be allowed to do so. Strangely, however, the same rule specifically states that you are allowed to have a gallery...yet those cost NP to create and enlarge (and once they get beyond the first few upgrades, it's a pretty major chunk of change at that.) In other words, you can theoretically have a gallery, but you can't actually make the NP to pay for it. Is it just me or does that make absolutely no sense?!


Anyhow, to actually answer your question. :P Between the T&C itself and the occasional questions in the NT editorials, what I gather is that once upon a time, it was perfectly legal for guilds to hold competitions and give prizes, but they had so much trouble with scammers that they had to make a blanket rule forbidding it. The rule actually says "you will not post or send through the site any words, images or links containing or relating to: ...promotions offering prizes of any sort (including contests, raffles, lotteries, chain letters or any kind of giveaway)." Seems pretty clear to me that they don't allow that in any capacity anymore on the Neopets site, and I personally would never try it on a guild. However, I don't think they can control offsite promos so long as said site does not post a link or any information about their giveaways on Neopets; as long as they don't advertise on Neopets itself and nobody's complaining that they've been scammed, the site is at least following the letter of the rule if not strictly the spirit. Besides, I'm sure TNT knows full well about those sites, and clearly they're not making any effort to stop them. Why? My guess is because the really well-known sites have proven themselves legitimate. It would be *very* obvious if they weren't, because the sites are very high profile and TNT's inboxes would be absolutely flooded with reports if such a site ever scammed anyone. I suspect TNT figures that giveaways are always going to exist and they'd never be able to stop them all, so as long as the rule is at least technically being followed, they might as well let people have their fun with the ones that are legit and safe.


As for your own guild...well, without knowing the details it's hard to say, but from what you describe I think you'll be fine as long as you're careful about it. I would be very wary of offering "special auctions" or anything like that though...I don't know that it's actually forbidden by the rules; it just sounds like a great way to risk someone complaining and getting you frozen. However, a "prize" of simply recognizing the winners on the guild, and maybe something like a little trophy (maybe with a design related to the theme of your contest or whatever) icon that they can put on their user lookup -- I've seen that sort of thing all over the place and haven't heard of TNT objecting to it. I'd also suggest the more you explain on your external website and the less you explain on the guild the better, and for goodness sake don't post the link to the external website on the guild.


Well, there's my two cents and then some...hope it was at least a little helpful. Good luck, and I hope everything works out the way you want it to. :)

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There are several things in the Neopets T&S that make little sense to me -- the major one being the rules about side accounts, especially the fact that there's a clear rule against making NP in *any* way on them -- as a side note, while I do understand that with the dailies and even shops, it seems like anyone who's actually willing to take the time to sit down and play games on all their accounts ought to be allowed to do so. Strangely, however, the same rule specifically states that you are allowed to have a gallery...yet those cost NP to create and enlarge (and once they get beyond the first few upgrades, it's a pretty major chunk of change at that.) In other words, you can theoretically have a gallery, but you can't actually make the NP to pay for it. Is it just me or does that make absolutely no sense?!


Actually, you can have a gallery if it is paid for by your main account. :graduated:


Angelxepha, as far as your question, it's shaky ground, and I would advise that you send in a question in the editorial to TNT.

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Angelxepha, as far as your question, it's shaky ground, and I would advise that you send in a question in the editorial to TNT.


They never answer my questions... and can't wait for them to answer in 4-5 years...

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Actually, you can have a gallery if it is paid for by your main account. :graduated:


I know you *can* have a gallery; my point was that the way they've set up the side-account rules is truly bizarre. o_O I've read and reread the T&C and looked through quite a few editorials; but so far I keep coming up with the same problem: as far as I can tell, there is absolutely no way that you can make a gallery on a side account if you're following all their other rules. I'm almost positive TNT has specifically stated that you're not supposed to transfer NP to a side account -- you can transfer items, of course (obviously, since a gallery wouldn't be very useful without stuff to put in it); but you aren't allowed to sell anything from a side account either, be it on a shop or on the TP, because that is still making NP with the side account. What other way can you pay for it with your main account? Maybe I've just completely missed something, but I've done a lot more searching than most people...if I didn't find it, odds are a *lot* of other people haven't either. I really think they need to be more clear about their rules (at least the ones involving stuff less obvious than obscenity, scamming, or plagiarism), and if they clarify a point for someone in the NT they should add that information to the T&C or some other central place so we can all easily find it. While I think it's perfectly reasonable to expect us to know what they've said in the T&C, I don't think I should have to go on a fishing expedition for specific information that they may or may not have posted in the editorials at some point in the last several years.

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As far as I know,

  • One cannot make any NP on side accounts, except in the case of random events.
  • You may purchase any item on your side account, however you may only use the money you have transfered from your main account. AND ONLY THAT MONEY. Money that is transfered through the trading post.
  • The only other legal side account activities are adopting more Neopets, storing items, or joining different guilds.

As for my oops, uh-oh comment. I didn't mean that I had held a contest. Rather, I and some friends went and nm some x number of random people and told them about the free codestone / 1k offers.



Issue 266:


I am going to word this as simply as I can since you are probably sick of these questions, but here is goes: can I play Tombola on my secondary account if I did not play it on my main for that day? Like alternating as long as I am not transferring the Neopoints. I would still be within the "Once Per Day" rule. So I guess I just want to know can I alternate days to grow my secondary account and for those purposes only? ~Anonymous

Please play the Tombola on your main account, and send any items you won to your side account if you wish to develop that account as well. Though if you want the profit from the item, please sell it in your main shop, then send those Neopoints to your side account via the Auctions or Trading Post. Your side account should only receive items or Neopoints directly from your main account or via Random Events you happened to get while logged in to that account. Thanks. :)


Issue 253

Hi, TNT. In the T&C, you say that a person is allowed to have galleries on their sub-accounts. I see how they get the items by sending from their main but how do they get the Neopoints to update their gallery and make it bigger? ~ anonymous

The same way. :) All Neopoints for the upkeep on alternate accounts (feeding your Neopets, upgrading galleries, etc.) must come from your main account. The easiest and best way to transfer Neopoints is through the Trading Post using an omelette or some other "junk" item. If we had some sort of wire transfer system, that would work, too, but we don't so it doesn't.

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As far as I know,
  • One cannot make any NP on side accounts, except in the case of random events.
  • You may purchase any item on your side account, however you may only use the money you have transfered from your main account. AND ONLY THAT MONEY. Money that is transfered through the trading post.
  • The only other legal side account activities are adopting more Neopets, storing items, or joining different guilds.

As for my oops, uh-oh comment. I didn't mean that I had held a contest. Rather, I and some friends went and nm some x number of random people and told them about the free codestone / 1k offers.



Issue 266:

Issue 253


Ahh...I did read several editorials with questions on this topic, but apparently I missed that rather crucial one. Thanks, that makes a little more sense now. :) I stand by my previous assertion though...all the general/major stuff is indeed clearly addressed by the T&C, and I have no sympathy for people who can't be bothered to at least read *that* for themselves. On the other hand, there are also several specific issues that are addressed in one or two given editorials and nowhere else -- and unless/until people realize that the editorials are worth reading (which I didn't for quite a while; I thought *everything* in the NT was user-written stories and such and therefore ignored it, and I bet I'm not the only one who made that mistake) they'll miss information that might prevent them from doing something freezable by accident. If TNT really doesn't want to hear questions about those same details a bajillion times a day, it might be nice if they'd repost the answers in a single, quickly-located place like the T&C itself, instead of making people guess which one of the hundreds of past NTs has the answer they're looking for.

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Or make the editorials search-able. I've wanted that for a while.


By the way, don't quote me on this, but I remember reading in an editorial that restocking in the Neopian shops is okay on side accounts, but not in user owned shops. I wouldn't try it unless someone finds the editorial that I am thinking of though.

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  • 9 years later...


Actually, you can have a gallery if it is paid for by your main account. :graduated:


I know you *can* have a gallery; my point was that the way they've set up the side-account rules is truly bizarre. blink.gif I've read and reread the T&C and looked through quite a few editorials; but so far I keep coming up with the same problem: as far as I can tell, there is absolutely no way that you can make a gallery on a side account if you're following all their other rules. I'm almost positive TNT has specifically stated that you're not supposed to transfer NP to a side account -- you can transfer items, of course (obviously, since a gallery wouldn't be very useful without stuff to put in it); but you aren't allowed to sell anything from a side account either, be it on a shop or on the TP, because that is still making NP with the side account. What other way can you pay for it with your main account? Maybe I've just completely missed something, but I've done a lot more searching than most people...if I didn't find it, odds are a *lot* of other people haven't either. I really think they need to be more clear about their rules (at least the ones involving stuff less obvious than obscenity, scamming, or plagiarism), and if they clarify a point for someone in the NT they should add that information to the T&C or some other central place so we can all easily find it. While I think it's perfectly reasonable to expect us to know what they've said in the T&C, I don't think I should have to go on a fishing expedition for specific information that they may or may not have posted in the editorials at some point in the last several years.


I agree 250% that they need to put all their rules in the T&C. When I first joined, I broke probably about five rules that could have gotten me frozen (luckily that didn't happen) because I didn't even know those rules existed. I read the t&c and thought I was good, because logically if there are rules that I'm required to follow, they'd all be in the t&c right? Well, wrong, apparently. I found out a week or so later that using my side account the same way as my main was against the rules. And I didn't even see that through the editorials, but instead through a website that I'd bookmarked because it had quick links to all the dailies and someone happened to have asked a question about using side accounts.


If TNT is going to freeze users' accounts for these rules they need to make them obvious, easy to find, and clearly explained in the t&c.


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