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Ello! I am... eh, I'm not going to tell you my name. I am however going to tell you that I am abundantly suprised this username wasn't taken. Isn't it fun to say? I'm not fond of spiders... like at all. So it's weird that I love the Aboogala and the aboogala lolly right? I found someone that made a background of the lollipop and put it on my userlookup. That's how much I like it. Can anyone explain why they are suddenly worth 2-3 mil right now? Are p3's not being made since Habitarium vanished?


I'm currently working on making a Water Draik. I have actually never particularly like the Draik's as a species. It's a cross between a dragon and a lizard right? Weird. Don't like either of those animals. But I happened to be blasting a kracken and it spit at me a pirate draik morphing potion. I thought about selling it but they aren't what they once were price wise. I thought to myself "just go look at the rainbow pool - you did like that pastel one from Draik day." I went and I looked. If I didn't find anything I liked I could sell the MP & just rack up some more neopoints. When I clicked on the Water link (water is a color? When did this happen & how did I miss it?) and up popped a cute little dragon made of one of my favorite color- a dark teal. An idea began to grow - underwater background, cute wig, cute dress. BOOM. Done. I'm keeping the morphing potion. Customization is one of my favorite things too. I lost my job and didn't have money to spend on NC so I left neopets for a bit. Happy to share I am employed again and can spend a few $5-$10 here or there on NC. w00t!


I can often times be found surfing around the Money Tree as I've made my gallery basically neat things I find in there. It's no Negg Gallery or Morphing Potion gallery and no one will be coveting the items in there BUT they sure sparked my interest. Now if I could just find a lollipop in there. *sigh*


I'm not any good with the games - I couldn't even be considered a novice. Is there a status less than novice? Remedial maybe? Whatever it is, I'm like 20 ranks lower. So when the altador cup or game master challenge comes up I sit them out. Literally, I can't even sling slushies - broke my arm once. Never again. Also burst my lungs screaming at my computer but that silly cheer meter would never budge. Rude.


I'm also an avid talker, writer and uh, well I often brag in real life that I am the jedi master of BLEEP SHEEP. It's kind of true. Never gotten a speeding ticket ;)


So enough about me, tell me about you.

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Welcome to TDNF and back to NeoPets!

The Tower Defense-like game was my favorite in PetPet Park when I played, so I was always watching the Aboogalas drop like flies off the castle xD

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Welcome. I have been playing neopets for the past 7 years now. I have been using the daily neopets for neopet information for the past few years. I just joined the forum after reading the front page and it mentioned how we should come to the chatroom and hang out. I thought it was a nice idea and maybe it was finally time to join. I do have a normal dailyneopet account where it has my avatar checklist which is very helpful.

Currently on neopets I am working on collecting stamps, playing game avatars, and working on some new graphics for my guild.

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I'm not any good with the games - I couldn't even be considered a novice. Is there a status less than novice? Remedial maybe? Whatever it is, I'm like 20 ranks lower. So when the altador cup or game master challenge comes up I sit them out. Literally, I can't even sling slushies - broke my arm once. Never again. Also burst my lungs screaming at my computer but that silly cheer meter would never budge. Rude.

Oh did you have a row with a machine too? xD

It's not remedial; it's Detention! Off you go!


But you don't have to sit out the Game Master Challenge. You can cheer for everybody (holler all you like).

I discovered some of the games are not as difficult as I thought they would be. I just broke some fingers and a few keyboards. My old comp could be next if I don't get a new one before then.


Or, there's always the NC portion to them. You can faff about in the mall and try to fluff up your pet (it always make an interesting challenge right? killing time at Dress to Impress is good for health).


I like Daily Dare and GMC (they have some interesting themes & NC wearables going on for the past few years) though I give the AC a miss- the scoring system and all that jazz too complicated for me :P


To wrap it up: Welcome to the forums! It's lovely to have you & funny to read your posts :)

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