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Avatars: What have you got?


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That is wonderful!!! I am desperate to get some game avatars, deckswabber, freaky friday, snow wars 2, hungry skeith... but i just am not fast enough. Chia bomber and other games that shoot at me??? forget it!

It's nice when everyone can get a new avatar, like the festival one, but that makes the avatar collector avatar that much further away :* ... and all those retired ones :sad02:


Congratulations to EVERYONE on their hard-earned and less worked-at avatars! :graduated:


Deckswabber isn't very complicated. I got it after a few serious tries. I'm sure you'll get it!

I got Hungry Skeith last year, I think. That one involved a lot more work, but since I really liked the game I didn't mind.

I'm hopeless at Snow Wars 2, among a ton of other games. What I normally do, is concentrate in one game at a time - eventually I manage to get the avatar :)


On another note, no more NeoQuest II for me. FINALLY!

I know a lot of people really like the game, but every click was like torture for me. :sad02:







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wow finally after 48 battles and many weapon changes, with these two henchmen


You are now eligible to use 'Heermeedjet' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!

glad to say it is finally over and i never have to look at them again


Then a nice easy win lol

You are now eligible to use 'Black Pteri' as an avatar on the NeoBoards

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You are now eligible to use 'Lenny - Finneus' as an avatar on the NeoBoards! Just did the Altador plot, TDN guide was very helpful. I also got the deserted tomb avatar. I don't when it happened, I just noticed I had one more avatar on my user lookup than I thought I had, so when I checked, there it was!

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Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'Chokato' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!



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I just got to Kelp avatar, YES! I know there is no guarantee that your pet will take left overs but this is what I did: Fed my pets omelettes until they were all "bloated" or "very bloated" (when they were too full) and then I went to the movie central thing and fed them all. At this point, they were all "very bloated" I went straight to kelp and ordered the cheapest thing in every section as well. My pet took leftovers so I checked my preferences and had the avatar. :)

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Something Has Happened!

deadlydice.gif You are now eligible to use 'Count von Roo's Deadly Dice' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Yah! No more need to stay up to 3AM.

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Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'Imposter Apple' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!




Via the 'alternate' method:

While dipping your head in the cold, murky, apple-filled water, you feel the belongings you were holding in your arms start to slip. *splash* Oh no! Not your Imposter Apple.

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Something Has Happened!

luckyblumaroo.gif You are now eligible to use 'Dice-A-Roo' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


I just did a lap around my room. So excited :)

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If you are allowed to visit the mysterious symol hole as many times per day as you'd like, can I get the avatar if I just visit it over and over again for like 10 minutes? Also, how much have you guys spent on the lever of doom? I'm so sick of that one. I also agree with those before me, I hate the exploding coconut avatar. After I get all three of these rather annoying avatars I'll be pretty happy with my life. haha

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I finally got the TMBGPOP avatar yesterday. Makes me so happy, because the random avatars just bug me. At least with Battledome & stuff, I know how to attain them & don't just wait for them to happen :eh:

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If you are allowed to visit the mysterious symol hole as many times per day as you'd like, can I get the avatar if I just visit it over and over again for like 10 minutes? Also, how much have you guys spent on the lever of doom? I'm so sick of that one. I also agree with those before me, I hate the exploding coconut avatar. After I get all three of these rather annoying avatars I'll be pretty happy with my life. haha

TDNs coconut shy guide was really helpful and I've actually won 4 times I think using it http://www.thedailyneopets.com/articles/coconut-shy-theory/


I suppose you could visit the symol hole a bunch in one day but I just got mine one day by going once every day and I haven't got the lever of doom yet.


I think the last one I got was Skarl's Moody one.

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Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'Grundo - Discarded Plushie' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!



Well that's my 299th avatar! :) Really happy right now!

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Guest gabbyrahwr

Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'SDB Pack Rat' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!




FINALLY! (: Took about six months to get this.

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