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Something Has Happened!

windyharris.gifYou are now eligible to use 'Harris - Hi' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


I got a Harris with the petpet lab ray and stopped getting him to get the avatar! yay!


I'm at 265 avatars, the newer one was the Edna Crackle.

I'm really bad at neopet games so i need almost all of the game related... (I'm much of a gamer myself but I'm only good at rpg ones!)


Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'Groovy Chomby' as an avatar on the NeoBoards


As I sidenote, I have discovered I do not much like the music of Chomby and the Fungus Balls.


Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'Codestones!' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


I'm working my way through the easy-ish ones :D


Something Has Happened!

neomailaddict.gifYou are now eligible to use 'Neomail Addict' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


YAY!!! I got this while reading ALP neomail.


Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'I Taunt the Pant Devil' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Had to use 52 Apple Onion Rings. XP


Something Has Happened!

symol.gif You are now eligible to use 'Symol' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!



YES!!! This is the first time I've ever gotten ANYTHING from that stupid hole :evil:


I finally got the evil coconut avatar!! !! !!!!!


I've been trying for ages... I got a Damaged Evil Coconut. :)



Something Has Happened!

capara.gifYou are now eligible to use 'Capara' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


Something Has Happened!

sutekstomb.gifYou are now eligible to use 'Suteks Tomb' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


yay! A game avatar!


hey Annie we're tied for avatar counts! haha.

EDIT: and by that I mean you're one ahead of me... I'll have to go for another one to catch up!


I am still missing all the expensive ones, and alot of the game ones. The game ones hate me. Haha. :P If you need a score of 1000 for the game, somehow I cant seem to break 250. :P


hey Annie we're tied for avatar counts! haha.

EDIT: and by that I mean you're one ahead of me... I'll have to go for another one to catch up!



*High five!*


You have an easy one coming your way. Give it a few days and you'll snag the Soup Faerie avatar :king:


Thanks! I got the Mortog avatar! Now we're even. :)


I've had issues with a lot of the game avatars too... I have those and the expensive ones left, mostly.


EDIT: yeah I don't think I'll ever play coconut shy again either...



Got another one!

Something Has Happened!

jarbjarb.gifYou are now eligible to use 'Tyranu Evavu' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!



I got Mutant Graveyard of Doom too!


Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'Turtum' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!



Yay! I'm so happy :laughingsmiley:, catapult + waiting for a balloon on the first try or reset and trying bullseye on last attempt to get extra 3 tries worked.


Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'Yes Boy Ice-Cream' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


I'm going to get Jazzmosis tomorrow


I now have 150, after remembering to go to a concert, x]


Something Has Happened!

yesboyicecream.gif You are now eligible to use 'Yes Boy Ice-Cream' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


But a few days ago, I got 14 in one go, after looking at TDN's Avatar list. I mainly have the game, and pet & wheel avatars left now. Not looking forward to the Wheel of Monotony though, D:

Working on the Evil Blue Fuzzle one now


EDIT: Now 151. Just got, koiplushie.gif


Finally got the Bilge Dice avatar after 2 and a half hours of continuous playing! So exciting. After getting the 24 one I decided I'm gonna wait to go back and attempt the lucky streak one, seeing as that is much more difficult to obtain.

That's two new avatars in two days, as I also got the petpet lab pile of soot one yesterday. Luck seems to be on my side :)

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