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Avatars: What have you got?


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Today, I'm going to try to get the Jetsam avvie. I'm also going to play Hide and Seek for the Must...Keep...Smiling avatar. I'm going to watch a concert to get the I Love My Rock avvie...and I'm going to try to get some others. I need to start collecting! Oh and BTW mimi that's a lot! I'm going to start fighting at the battledome, to get those avvies. I may even try to fight against newbies. It's a win-win situation. They get practice, and IF i win, I have a chance of getting the Battledome Faerie Avvie. ^_^

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Today, I'm going to try to get the Jetsam avvie. I'm also going to play Hide and Seek for the Must...Keep...Smiling avatar. I'm going to watch a concert to get the I Love My Rock avvie...and I'm going to try to get some others. I need to start collecting! Oh and BTW mimi that's a lot! I'm going to start fighting at the battledome, to get those avvies. I may even try to fight against newbies. It's a win-win situation. They get practice, and IF i win, I have a chance of getting the Battledome Faerie Avvie. ^_^


I just kept fighting in the one player battledome against the Clown Chia until I got the Battledome Faerie avvy.

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Last night I got the A Meepit! Run! avvie from Meepit Juice Break as well as the Tyranu Evavu avatar.


This morning, I managed to get the Chia - Florg avvie. I was impressed with myself with this one. I don't often achieve scores high enough to get evaluated by TNT. I was five points short of getting a trophy, though. :(


Also, is there a TDN forum thread pertaining to problems loading/playing Shockwave-based games? I can't get any of them to work using Firefox 3.0.6 and Shockwave player 11.

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GRRR! I MISSED OUT ON THE I love my rock AGAIN! I have the ticket in my SBD and keep FORGETTING :grrr: Anyway I need the Battle Faerie so I am off to go Beat Clown Chia (:

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Also, is there a TDN forum thread pertaining to problems loading/playing Shockwave-based games? I can't get any of them to work using Firefox 3.0.6 and Shockwave player 11.


I have the same problem with FF, so if I want to play any of the shockwave games I have to switch browsers.

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Since I can't one-click import the avatars I have, it's very hard to keep track of them XD.


Auto refreshers are programs used to refresh the page rather than having you to click the button or press F5 every time.


I think that since it's a program used on your computer it can be detected. Sort of like Auto-buyers and other stuff like that. It probably isn't like that though ^_^.

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Someone just lent me FQD, Meowwy and Adam FOR FREE!


I just posted a board asking to be lent FQD for full collat and a random stranger sent me FQD then asked if I needed Adam or Meowy.

It was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me on neopets!


Just wanted to share my good luck with everyone else!

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I just got both the Gadgadsgame and Bilge Dice avatars tonight. Too bad I have to keep playing Bilge Dice for the Lucky Streak avvie. I don't think I'll ever manage to get that one. I can't seem to manage more than a 3-game winning streak.:(

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Today I finally got the one you get for playing with the Faerie Queen Doll! I was lent it by another user. She was so sweet, I didn't even have full collateral (1.6mil) but she let me borrow it anyway.


I started taking screenshots of the people I borrow from so others can see that I am trustworthy and always return items that I borrow. So far I have 2 on my user lookup. :D

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I'm the same masaryk - can't win more than 3, it's driving me crazy :)


Almost as crazy as the Tyrannu Evavu avvie. Give it to me already!!!! *cries*

I just got Tyrannu Evavu a couple of days ago, and it was gained mostly by sheer luck. I kept getting cards that were either really high (A, K, Q) or really low, so my odds of guessing right were really good. This went on right until guess number 15, when the card that came up was a seven, so I just had to guess, and I managed to get lucky. Keep trying and good luck!:)

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