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soooooooo, hey everyone.. i'm really quite terrible at these introduction things but i figured i may as well cause thats the point of this place?? say hi and meet new peeps? so yea, i'm jess (or pixie, depending on how formal you wanna be ;) ), 19 and from australia. i've been a member of a few forums (non neo related) in the past so i know how this stuff rolls (i read your guys' rules anyway.. only thing i'll have an issue with is no swearing?? im a bloody australian mate swearing is in me blood hahahaha). i'm half joking though, i don't say gday or mate IRL unless i'm feeling cheeky. i have 2 rats who i love like my little babies and a cute boyfriend who i live with and who annoys me very much but i love him anyways. ive been a neopets player on and off for the past 7/8 years.. numerous accounts, numerous bans ahhh, such is life. mostly into avatar collecting on the site and talking on the boards.


anything else you need to know? probably not but i guess i could add i'm a little cancerian baby born in june, im only JUST learning how to drive now at this point in my life LOL aaand i love the colour orange

but yeah hey hi whats up :cigar:


Hi Pix, welcome! I've known a few Aussie (: :snorkle: :cowboy: :laughingsmiley: friends online over the years. I love the language :cool: and the vocabulary ;) :thumbsup: Hope you have fun and meet some new friends here. :guitar: :headphone: :happydance:


hey guys nice to meet you both :)

buuut what shall i refer to you as?

I should have included "I'm Jim from Michigan, 26." I didn't play Neopets as a kid but started several years ago as a fun diversion (it was suggested by a younger friend who no longer plays much). Michigan is a lot colder than anyplace down under. Feel free to PM me at my forum user name lakecat above my avatar. (I think the messages are saved much longer here than they are on NeoMail)


Nice to meet you Jess, welcome to the forum! I'm Brittany, 20 year's old and I'm from Canada ^__^


Hi Jess! I'm Shelley, from New York (not the city- I'm surrounded by cows) I also like the color orange although I try not to pick favorites, and I think rats are spectacular pets! I would love one someday (when I move out from my parents house lol). My cousin had one named Edgar who was the best little rat :)


Welcome to the forum side of TDN ^__^


I wouldn't feel too bad about learning to drive at 19, I'm 28 now and still only have my learners o.o


heyo everyone :) oooh so we have some cool cats from michigan, cananananananada, not so New York City (it's okay though I'm usually surrounded by cows also hahaha). i'm from the middle bit of the east coast of australia, nice little hippy community vibes round these parts :) lot's of farmland too.. we had major protests regarding coal seam gas and won recently!! felt so good to be doing our bit for the country/ planet. lot's of forests and waterfalls too.. i love living in this part of australia.


Welcome to the forum side of TDN ^__^


I wouldn't feel too bad about learning to drive at 19, I'm 28 now and still only have my learners o.o

yeah to be honest it feels a bit weird considering i've been using this website for so long just for dailies.. and even being on a neopets forum feels a bit odd haha, all my housemates give me shit for playing neo still haha but i don't really mind cause i know they play their weird video games and i play mine.. it's not hurting anyone so it's all g :)

and speaking of driving i had my 2nd lesson yesterday! it was pretty crazy hahahaha i accidentally did a right turn on a roundabout instead of left (remember im from aus we drive on the left side), stalled in the middle of the roundabout and had to quickly learn how to reverse a car cause a bunch of other cars were coming our way OOPS :whistle:


Hi Jess and welcome to the boards!


I too used the sight for a long time before coming to the forums. Ref the BF that annoys you, that happens whenever you live with someone else male or female....I'm glad you have someone special.


Also, GREAT attitude about the housemates giving you static about playing Neo!


Good luck with the driving lessons and not to worry about the age, you will do wonderful!

On 02/10/2014 at 11:25 AM, Pix said:

hey guys nice to meet you both :)

buuut what shall i refer to you as?


                 You can call me Delshnya if you want.


hey venus :) haha don't worry im only kinda joking about the boyfie :P we get along fine (unless he's trying to teach me how to drive!!) and thanks, yeah i don't really mind what anyone thinks.. i myself think it's pretty lame but i love it anyways.


and yay nice to meet you properly Delshnya !


oh wow this whole neo duping site transition shenanigans is KILLINGG MEEEE

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