nightfall8705 Posted September 15, 2014 Posted September 15, 2014 As promised, my epic long Monday post. What started out as an innocent, heartfelt prayer for more love, attention, affection, and devotion turned into a world of wonderfulness for me. While my prayer was hinting towards a human relationship with a man I could be with everyday, I suppose the universe had other plans for me. My prayer was answered in the form of an irresistibly cute little fur-ball, who would later become the center of my world... And so on a whim, I declared that I wanted a fuzzy from a good friend of mine, despite not being allowed to have them where I live. I was thinking more of my health benefits than anything else... The very last kitten to find a home was grey and had wild twinkling eyes, and I loved her before I even met her. The day we met, it was instant love. Like we were meant to be, and she fell asleep on my chest, just purring like there was no tomorrow. I remember the first time she called me "Mama" and the first time I got to take her home with me, and that first night of cuddling together contently. Nevermind a man, I found my kitty soulmate, and I never looked back. And over the past two years, my Sydney Cassandra has taught me many things, but the following seven lessons really stand out: 1. To not take anything for granted. - Food, shelter, and basic care can be taken away by circumstance just as easily as it was given. Appreciate what you have while you have it. Sydney and I both know that circumstances change. Even so, we don't take each other for granted, nor our living conditions, no matter how bad they may seem. People are worse off elsewhere. 2. Unconditional love is the purest form of love. - It's a love that knows all things, but stays the same, no matter the turbulence. It's a strength that no judgment could shake. The bond is unspoken, yet the loudest of all words. The bond between human and animal is amazing. Sydney is my kitty soul mate, and the way that she and I communicate is wonderful, mostly because we do it with body language that shows words from the heart. 3. Be content, and don't want more than you need. - Some people would complain about eating the same foods everyday, but Sydney and most other animals would happily consume the same food every day of their life, because they know where it comes from, and who brings it to them. That thought is more important. 4. Wake up happy. - If you can't think of anything to make you happy as soon as you wake up, then think of this: you woke up today while millions of others didn't. Sydney wakes up purring loudly every single morning, and wakes me up as such, making me happy too. Each day is a new endeavor, so be happy you get the chance to acknowledge it. 5. Be observant in your opportunities and pounce at the right time. - If you are patient and observant in your opportunities, you can learn what you need in order to take the bigger step of "leaping" into your dreams. You can do anything you put your mind to. Case in point, Sydney is observant and patient before pouncing on her favorite cat toys. When she waits at the right time, she always catches her toy, but if she's too hasty, she misses... but she still gets back up and she tries again. 6. Appreciate people you love. Let them love you, and love them in return. Let them know that you love them. - Sydney gives me a kiss with her nose every single morning. It's her way of saying she loves me and appreciates me taking care of her. People sometimes don't show their love and appreciation enough, and this is a sweet little reminder to remember those you love daily from a very thoughtful cat. 7. Humans need love, companionship, comfort, and affection in their lives to function appropriately, as do animals. People pray for such things like these all the time, yet they don't realize that the answer is right in front of them. This blessing not only affects the human, but also the animal for the better, potentially saving both lives. Sydney is an answered prayer of my own. I asked for more affection in my life, and I was gifted my beautiful girl. She means the world to me, and not only am I a better person because of her, she's taught me amazing things about myself, and also life. -------------------------------------------------- And so now, I leave you with a small chronicle of my Sydney's life on today, September 15, 2014, her second birthday: Here is Sydney's twin brother whom I named Sora Sebastian. He and Sydney were identical at this size. Both were the runts of the litter, and I had to pay extra attention to her when she was young. Dear Sora died not long after this photo was taken by my friend. This is exactly where the :3 face comes from. Sydney actually posed for this one! Did I mention that Sydney had wild, twinkling eyes? Even when those beautiful eyes are closed, she looks precious. For Syd's first Christmas, I took her to PetSmart to meet Santa! She got lots of yummy treats, and cool toys, and her favorite wet kitty food under the tree! A friend of mine gave me a homemade sack of goodies with a pretty red ribbon tied around it. The ribbon fit Sydney perfectly, so I let her wear it for a little while. She was my early Christmas present after all. At four months old, my Sydney was already very intelligent and well behaved for her age. She learned some english words, and she learned how to walk on a leash, and how to behave properly in public.This is one of my favorite photos of her. She was saying "Mama" when I snapped this photo! Some days, she can be quite cheeky and stick out her tongue at me! Other days, she can be a cute little thief and steal my teddy bears for a cuddle. This is her with one of my many Tatty Teddies. As she gets older, I can't believe how amazing she is. How incredibly intelligent and charismatic she is. How her eyes are always full of wonder. No matter how old she gets, she'll always be my baby girl. Today, as she turns two years old, I reflect on the memories we've made together, and anticipate all of the memories we will make in the future. Happy second birthday to my kitty sweetheart, Sydney Cassandra! Here's to many, many more years and wonderful memories together! <3 Thanks for reading! DESO 1 Quote
blueberrykiwi141 Posted September 15, 2014 Posted September 15, 2014 cute cat! Love all of the pictures you posted of her :) Happy birthday kitty!! :) nightfall8705 1 Quote
neopets98 Posted September 15, 2014 Posted September 15, 2014 I'm glad that you have learned so much while taking care of your cat :) Happy birthday Sydney Cassandra! nightfall8705 1 Quote
nightfall8705 Posted September 15, 2014 Author Posted September 15, 2014 Aww, Sydney says thanks for the birthday wishes! She and Sherbert enjoyed their tin of Friskies wet food as Syd's birthday lunch. She got an extra surprise present not long ago. This HUGE lizard got into the house, and Syd caught it. I think she ate it. :weird: Ranaki 1 Quote
Ranaki Posted September 15, 2014 Posted September 15, 2014 Happy birthday Sydney ^__^ Gotta be wary of those lizards, my kitty ate a Slink one day and got really sick from it =/ nightfall8705 1 Quote
nightfall8705 Posted September 15, 2014 Author Posted September 15, 2014 The lizard was a little longer than my middle finger! I dunno if she ate it or if it got away, but it sure gave her a hard time before she finally caught it. It was quite funny to watch. :) Quote
lizzyjane101 Posted September 16, 2014 Posted September 16, 2014 On 9/15/2014 at 8:50 PM, nightfall8705 said: Aww, Sydney says thanks for the birthday wishes! She and Sherbert enjoyed their tin of Friskies wet food as Syd's birthday lunch. She got an extra surprise present not long ago. This HUGE lizard got into the house, and Syd caught it. I think she ate it. :weird: It's so fantastic to see people really connecting with animals. I love seeing Sydney and Sherbet on here, they brighten my day <3 My Lizzy is sort of the dumb one out of the two. She used to get over-excited with skinks and play with them for ages, eat them, and then be sick. She still does it sometimes in Summer. I love my girls so much, and I know what you mean about the language. I swear Jane responds to 'po po' which is Korean for innocent kiss. Every time I say it, she gives me a kiss, it's so adorable. Quote
Rune Valentine Posted September 16, 2014 Posted September 16, 2014 Aww, belated happy birthday to your furbaby! We only have outdoor cats that hunt down mice and the occasional's a little gross really xD Quote
nightfall8705 Posted September 16, 2014 Author Posted September 16, 2014 Aww, Syd says thanks for the birthday wishes! Aww lizzyjane your kitty is so sweet. I dunno why cats get such a smug rep all the time. Almost every cat I've ever met has been intelligent, very sweet, and thoughtful, except this one little demon my aunt used to have named Princess. You could look at her wrong and she'd try to claw your face off. D: I adore my kitty cats though. I can't imagine life without them. Especially Sydney. She's my best friend. Quote
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