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Hey gang!


I see I am not the only TDNF'r who made it into the CC this week. :D


Aren't we a clever bunch? /grin


So, this week, I'm asking that you just remember to vote in the CC...no matter who you vote for! Now, obviously I greatly appreciate each and every vote...but I also covet good luck wishes!


Overall, it just pleases me to see support given to the CC...it has become one of my favorite things 'to do' in Neopia. It would not be any fun without the awesome competition and the support of the voters.


So, please, take a look at the CC captions this week and keep an eye out for TDNF'rs (or guildmates, or NFs...or even your own entry!!)...you can vote once every four hours and every vote is appreciated.






By fullonparanoid:
Techo Master: Well, look on the bright side... it is only hot on Mystery Island 347 days out of the year!


Direct Vote: HERE


Thank you, Angel and Nousha! :D


Angel: I dunno when I started using "Hey gang" in group greetings, but I have done it for many many years. And, the dog in my avi is actually Muttley from old Hanna-Barbera cartoons. It was a nickname of mine from when I was younger because when I set to laughing really hard I sound like him. :P


Thank you, all, for the votes thus far...with the Great Neopets Transfer due to happen early week, I don't know when the current CC will end. It will be interesting to see how it all comes out in the wash!





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