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Today I got my first FFQ ever! (:

I just delivered the item, but I don't know who to paint yet. Is there a time limit to decide after you complete the quest? My dream pet is a Chocolate Draik, and it's something I'd only get with a FFQ...the thing is, I'm very far from buying a Draik egg. Can I wait as long as I need (like...months)? Or should I paint something else just in case?


When you get a FFQ do you give priority to very expensive colors, lab-only colors or just pick anything you like?


There is no time limit, but if you got lucky enough with a second FFQ you would need to use it before completing the second one.


With my first FFQ (during the fearie-quest-a-day event) I painted a buzz. Later I got another FFQ, which I have not yet used.


YAY!! I had a FFQ a long time ago and was able to get my maraquan kacheek! at the time I didn't really care about pricey pets nor did I ever think I would be able to afford a draik so I just went through the list of all the neopets and colors and picked the pet I liked best :) turns out it was a pricey pet though so pretty happy :D


some lab only/expensive colors aren't available at the fountain though. I really wish royal was available :/


Thanks! I guess I'll try saving up a little more before deciding...

Maraquan Kacheeks are really cute! Leucothya looks adorable! :)
I don't understand why royal and the other colors aren't avaible! It makes painting a pet royal a little more special, but it's not fair with the lab colors, since it's so hard to get them.


Grats! In all my time playing, I've NEVER come across a FFQ.



Today I got my first FFQ ever! (:

I just delivered the item, but I don't know who to paint yet. Is there a time limit to decide after you complete the quest? My dream pet is a Chocolate Draik, and it's something I'd only get with a FFQ...the thing is, I'm very far from buying a Draik egg. Can I wait as long as I need (like...months)? Or should I paint something else just in case?


When you get a FFQ do you give priority to very expensive colors, lab-only colors or just pick anything you like?

I had that very "unfortunate dilemma" so to speak. lol. I got a fountain faerie quest, gave her the item, and was saving my reward, when suddenly I received a second FFQ. So I had to paint a pet BEFORE giving her the second item, otherwise I would have lost the first one. So, to answer your question, yes, you can take all of the time you need to get your draik egg. Congratulations and good luck getting your draik egg.


I too could have kept my reward AND not given her the item yet, hence having two FFQ's in the balance. But my dilemma was that my second FFQ was from a cookie and I would have lost 5 days worth of faerie quests if I let it sit. I suppose it wouldn't have been the worst thing.

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