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someone gifted me a paint brush!

Neo Marco

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atleast i think it was a gift
I put up a trade and someone offered a pastel paint brush on it
its worth a lot of np!

I don't know if I should sell it though because maybe they made a misteak by offering it?
I waited a while before I accepted incase it was accident but they never deleted their offer so I accepted it!
maybe it was just a gift which is real cool

im so happy I literally cant stop smiling
whats the best thing anybody has ever given you on neopets? or have you ever gifted anything to anyone before?

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Whoah! I wished for a Pastel Cybunny in the Dream Neopet Giveaway! (:


I've never gifted such a thing nor have I ever recieved anything like it. I really don't have that much of NPs unfortunately.

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That's so kind of them! That's never happened to me but I sure wish it would. I just looked it up and I think that all of the pastel pets are gorgeous, so personally I would keep it. But if you're happy with your pets and don't think you'll actually use it, maybe just sell it?

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Wow, that's really lucky! I had to find my Faerie PB in an RE ages ago for my Cybunny. She's my only only dreamie pet, so I don't know what else to get on NeoPets. Stamp collecting, .swf game avatars, then who knows o.O

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Awesome! When I started playing again a couple years ago a random stranger offered me a transparent paintbrush and zombie paintbrush, both were listed in my UL as my dream pets. I neomailed him to make sure and he said he was leaving neopets and was trying to liquidate his account, he saw I wanted a zombie and transparent pet and he had both brushes in his gallery!


Every once in a while I will browse the TP and drop someone a paintbrush or loads of neopoints.

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Aww, that's so sweet! I haven't had any luck like that on a trade before, but I have been gifted some lovely items and pets so I'm not complaining :)

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