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I'm the only one packing so I'm not motivated to do anything

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We (me, my roommate, and her parents we're living with atm) are getting the keys to our new place on Monday. Except my Roommate has worked since Friday and her last day in a row is this Friday. Then she's going to visit her grandma until next Wednesday. Her mom's out of town and her dad is a lazy fat... err... anyway, they're not here to help. So I need to be packing up the house and I just don't want to.


On top of that stress, the washing machine broke so I can't even pack up all the dirty clothes until after I take them to the laundry mat... that's 5 baskets of my stuff alone. Not to mention blankets and cat beds and stuff. I'm overwhelmed!


I've buried myself into Neopets but now I'm too frustrated to be on there because I've been refreshing for days and my Drack won't eat the dang cheese. Sigh. We have until the end of the month but I feel this is all hopeless.


Ugh! Moving is the worst! I feel your pain. Sometimes when I procrastinate I give myself a little "goal". For example, I can play one game of KQ and then I have to do x, y, and z. I let neo be my little break from reality :) It helps a bit!


That's typically how I do it. But there's a lot standing in the way of getting anything packed xD I don't want to have to deal with all the stuff in the way... yet. Maybe tomorrow. xDD


When I moved, I didn't even wash my clothes :whistle: I just put them into garbage bags as messily as I wanted and used them to pad dishes. I figured I'd just end up having to iron them all when I moved anyway, and any dust from moving...I just washed everything when I got to my new place.


maybe the laundromat has WiFi and you can play Neopets while doing your laundry. Huh? I would FIND a laundro that does have wifi. If not, if you have a smart phone, you can play on that. It isn't the greatest, but it beats twiddling your thumbs waiting for laundry.


Then while packing, I would do like stated above. Pack one or two boxes, then play KQ or a flash game, then pack another two boxes, and so on. You will surprised at how quickly it gets done. Moving is the worst. I feel your pain.


Update guys, I got most of the clothes done! Washed them at the laundry mat and then brought them home and I'm currently drying them load by load. I typically wouldn't have bothered washing any of them, but we have four cats who like to use our laundry for nests. ): Dirty little felines who are battling fleas right now. We're hoping by getting everything washed before going over, the flea population will be much more manageable.

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