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Nay for Stormy Weather :(


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This is the third straight day of thunderstorms. Granted, it's a month into the Atlantic hurricane season, but a person has to get to the grocery store sooner or later. I'd rent movies, but the rental kiosk is outside my grocery store, and there isn't anything closer.


*looks at the stack of movies from her birthday* Yeah, you can see this coming,right? I'm going to be watching alot of movies for a while.

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In the place where I live there hasn't been rain in a few weeks. We're supposed to be in monsoon season but I guess it's coming a little late. I really like rain so it's disappointing.

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I'm currently in Florida for a while and it has rained every day for the last month.

In California where I live it rains maybe a handful of times a year.

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I'm currently in Florida for a while and it has rained every day for the last month.

In California where I live it rains maybe a handful of times a year.

I'm in Florida as well so we're in the same boat. The way it's raining every day, at least one of us may need a boat to get around soon. It might be me considering how badly my street floods. Last time, it went over the darn sidewalk and into my yard.

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I love storms! but after a day or two..just. no. -_- thankfully we don't get much in new york compared to other parts of the country (well snowstorms are a different story lol)


I have satellite internet and whenever it's miserable out I'm even more miserable for not being able to play neo. haha


I hope you enjoy your movies!! make some yummy popcorn :)

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I love, love, love the rain. I am currently in FL myself, gonna visit my mama <.< ... We'll see how that goes...


Any who, it hasn't rained rained yet, just thunder booms & lightning over where I am, rain just passes over. Makes me sad =/

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