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Anyone up for a favor?


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I was pound surfing and I came across a checkered korbat named kypriu,but I could not adopt him cause I was at my max number of pets and my sides are'nt old enough to adopt him,so if anyone could hold onto him for me and when my sides are old enough send him over that would be great! Thanks!

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Thank you! I really appreciate it,I already have managed to grab 2 korbats from the pound(Azmaraz my rainbow korbat and Konqeri my eletric korbat) so I decided why not get a whole squad of korbats? :laughingsmiley:

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Might want to throw in a Pteri somewhere if you like them. You never know when the Golden Pteri might fly overhead and rain NPs on your head >=D


(Only works if you have a Pteri, if not he just flies passed you)


I've only recieved that RE twice in my Neopets life, but I'm not fond of the Pteri species.

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Good idea :laughingsmiley: I might as well go pound surfing some more for a painted pteri with a good name!

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