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Returning member/back from Neopets hiatus


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Hello! My name is Carly, you can call me Bun for short if you'd like.

I was on the TDN Forum a while back when I got back into Neopets, but not very active. I've been playing Neopets on and off (and I stress the off) since 2005. School has me really busy though so I tend to play most during the summer and sadly usually give it up during the school year. As it is summer, I have been playing every day and I am trying to pick up where I left off. Since I have a habit of taking long hiatuses I am not as accomplished as I wish I was!

I collect avatars and I am starting a collection of Halloween/Spooky items, and I am currently getting into the Battledome since I love what they have done with it (and I need the avatars from the Obelisk skirmishes!)

My favorite pets are Poogles and Kacheeks, I am hoping to paint my Poogle (or a new Poogle) grey, but that's not currently at the top of my to-do list. Currently I am collecting items in my SDB, an avatar I have long avoided since I did not want to deal with having so many items! But it's been an adventure, stalking the Money Tree every day, and picking up items for my new gallery. :evo:


Anyways I missed talking about Neopets with people since I lost my old guild, which has since disappeared, so I thought the forum would be a good place to connect with people and get help/advice.

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Thank you! Right now it is just Halloween and spooky items but I think I am going to narrow it down a little, I just can't decide what exactly. I like too many things! I thought about doing only items related to the "evil" characters but I think I like Halloween stuff more...

I might just have to have a HUGE gallery.

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Welcome back Carly! :) I've taken a taken a 4 year hiatus once, and it was during college. :P It's funny how we always seem to come back. Neo is addictive. Have fun with your Halloween/Spooky gallery, and I hope you get the packrat avatar soon!


I like the revamp of the battledome too. .It's fun and good for making nps. I'm a fan of kacheeks! xD I currently want a desert one. Poogles are cute, and good luck getting a grey one!

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Hey Carly! I take the longest hiatuses haha my last one was like 8 years? o.O haha I don't really know, all I know is that when I came back my old account was gone :(


I collect spooky food myself! :D and I love my maraquan kacheek ^^


nice to meet you, I hope you enjoy the forums!

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