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Neopian Times question


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I posted this question in another thread, but I'm not sure if it will get answered there, so I'm trying here to see if anyone can help me with something. (Hope that doesn't break any rules.)


As it turns out, I made it into the 650th issue of the Neopian Times -- though it was purely by lucky accident.


It was my first submission and I was hoping for a trophy, so I'm elated to discover I've also obtained a new avatar. What I didn't know was that you also get a 'prize' -- in this case, I got a Neopian Times coin. I never even knew about the prize, let alone the coin, but I'm getting neomails asking me if I'll sell it. The only assumption I can make is that it's sort of rare. I'm hoping you guys know what I'm talking about.


So now I'm at a loss of what to do. I collect for my stamp album, so my first instinct is to keep it. But I'm being offered more neopoints than I ever hoped to acquire on my own -- ever. So while I desperately need some advice, I also need some information. Is this something that is earned every time you get published? Only when you get into an issue ending in 0 or 5? Or maybe only the first time you get published? (I have veteran users with the writing trophy making me offers, so I'm wondering why they want it if they already have one.)


Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.



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These are just my personal thoughts on the coin.


If it was me, I'd keep it and put in my album. Yes, it's a lot of NP, but you can earn NP. If you were to sell the coin and later decide you want that coin for your album, not only would you need the NP for it (it could go up in cost in the future) but you'd have to find someone selling it and be the person they decided to sell it to. Judging by how many people have contacted you, it seems as thought there aren't many sellers, so it could be a lot more difficult in the future.

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I agree with Spritzie. If you're not 100% committed to putting it in your album and think you might be desperate for NP later, you could always store it in your SDB -- you can always sell it later, but you can't unsell it, and right now they're at the cheapest they're going to go for, for at least a year (since the market was just "flooded" with them, relatively speaking).


Congrats on being published, by the way! And to make it into a 50th issue, to boot! Double congrats!

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Thanks so much for the advice. I was a bit reluctant to sell anyway... and I DO collect, or try to. I think you're right about trying to get a hold of one again at a later date -- and not be kicking myself for selling it when I had one in the first place.


It's worth a lot of NP, and that gave me a reason to pause for a minute and plead my case to you wonderful folks. I didn't realize just how rare it was though. Apparently, this is only the second time it's been awarded. Sounds like reason enough to hold on to it.


Thanks again!

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I've done it. Sold something because I couldn't imagine passing up that much NP. I can't really put into words how frustrating it was later, to have to spend the NP on it. Not to mention, I had to spend more than I got from selling in the first place.


Like Siniri said, you can always tuck it in your SDB until you're 100% sure.

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first off, LUCKYYYY!! haha I wish one of my entries were accepted


but congratulations!! I mean, that's a really special thing to happen! :)


oh and to answer your question on prizes, you get a certain prize on special additions of the NT...like I got published in the valentines issue and got a pink PB. But on ordinary days like most are, you don't get any special prize items. But getting into the 50th editions are by far the most eventful! :)

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