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It's 1000 different items. I remember searching endlessly for cheap items I didn't already have :p


here's a list of cheap items that may help you :)


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To get my packrat I just ended up offering on a LOT of those junk trades on the post. Anything you find you have a repeat of, sell or put up asking for other junk items. You'd be surprised at how fast you can get there!

I did it this way 3 times xD finished them all in under 4 days, being the lazy person I am. <_<

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When I discovered I was within a couple hundred items from the avatar....I tracked down a list of cheap books.


I bought a TON of cheap books...and then, once I had acquired the avie...I read them all to my pets.


It helped me feel like I was not REALLY a packrat. :D


(but my SDB numbers out me: Items: 2,141 | Qty: 4,063 )


Good luck!!



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