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Very Cool Retro Video!


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I can't tell you where I got this video, because I'd probably get in trouble for mentioning the site...


But this video that TNT released in 2000 is safe to share. :D



It's my first time ever seeing it. Love the music!

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Excuse me while I deal with this huge wave of nostalgia that came over me, haha! This is so cool, and made me smile. Thanks for sharing it. :D


I remember those little bits of info they had with each pet! You'd see it in the form of a pop-up window when you were creating a pet. Is the whole "Lupes love eating Chias" still even a thing?

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It only has 17 views?? D: haha


all the old artwork! I wish they made a separate neopets site that was just a blast to the past and only featured old graphics. One can dream! haha

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