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I did it on zen mode in January. The first time I tried, I started too late in the day. The second time, even with frequent breaks (including several long ones), my hands (both, because I had to switch back and forth) hurt worse than they ever did on my longest days of the AC last year (when I made All Star for the first time). I did indeed get the avatar. Was it worth it? I guess. I got too stressed out in regular mode, and I'd come close-ish a few times, but it still would have required a lot more practice, and I'm not a fan of the game.


I can't remember, but I think it might actually be one point per completed juicing, and not one point per meepit (so you can't double- or triple up to shorten the time). If you go the zen mode route, just double-check this, because I think I was wasting moves for quite a while before I figured it out. In zen mode, your goal should be to complete a circuit in the fewest moves possible every time.

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I've done it twice, and both times it took 12 hours (with breaks). Make sure that you start early so's to miss out on the beginning of a new neopian day (your score won't send if this happens), have lots of breaks so you don't go insane, and maybe have the TV on to distract you.


It's a pain - but it's also a massive accomplishment! Best of luck! ^^

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If you're going for the old-fashioned way, read a few guides. From what I can remember, rack up the score as high as possible on the earlier levels by using all the pipes (often not possible), getting as many good bonuses (and as few rotten apples -- you have to weigh the number of rotten apples against the using-all-pipes bonus; if there are 5 or more rotten apples, you may as well avoid them and not go for the bonus) as you can, always matching by color, making sure you feed as many extra meepits per level as you can (by feeding until you've fed all but one, then feeding all the remaining together, matching the color of as many as possible). And then as you have less time on each level, you'll have to switch to survival mode, trying for as many points as you can while not letting any meepits die. This transition was difficult for me, which is why I went with the zen method (I'm sure I spent way more time total trying the game for AAA's score in DD's and GMC's, and attempting the avvie, than I did in my zen mode run (which took me much less than 12 hours -- I think I spent about 6 hours actually playing, and since it was mindless clicking, I was studying at the same time).

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