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Festival of Neggs prize selection

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I always get nervous when you can choose prizes and have yet to decide on this years FON prizes. I'm never quite sure on the time limit for such things. If anyone could enlighten me, I'd be obliged. I still have yet to choose my Obelisk plot prizes and have assumed we would get a warning as to our time being up.

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I was a little disappointed with the negg of everlasting fire as it is only a one use item. It would be a great weapon if it were multi use. Sadly however it is not.

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I thought you meant the end prizes, not the prizes for each round of neggs.



I always have my round prizes picked out ahead of time, because I almost always go with the books. There's something else I wanted besides a book in one of the rounds, so I just went with whatever would be more expensive to buy (I thought) and bought the other.


The final prizes are not self-pick, they're assigned.

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I was a little disappointed with the negg of everlasting fire as it is only a one use item. It would be a great weapon if it were multi use. Sadly however it is not.


I felt the same way. I almost picked it but checked out what people were saying about it on the Neoboards. When I found out it was 1-use I went with the book, as usual.

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I usually base my decision on two things: Which one is the most expensive according to the SW, and personal collections. For the FON, I took the plushie all three times because I have an epic plushie collection (432 items).

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