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Neopets policy on cosplay/copyrighted names?

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I'm aware that users aren't allowed to submit copyrighted materials into things such as the Art Gallery, Beauty Contest, UL Spotlight, and so on... so no Harry Potter themed userlookups. I've also heard it's a bad idea to put copyrighted terms on petpages and such, even if they're not being used for a spotlight. But what's the policy on, for example, owning a pet named HPotter and dressing them in wizarding clothes? Or putting a picture of Goku from DBZ on a petpage? Are these freezable offenses? Is it a freezable offense to get caught with a Harry Potter lookup? How draconic is this situation anyway?


I started typing a detailed response, and then I realized I was only guessing. I think this is a great question for the editorial. Copyright is tricky because of "fair use" and "parody." And when companies send TNT a "cease and desist" letter asking them to remove their copyrighted material, TNT is likely to comply vs. facing the legal costs, even if your use is covered by fair use. If they comply by freezing your account, you'd be at their mercy to argue your case and get your account back (without the offending page, of course). But it's a good question for TNT, and I'm sure others would be interested in an answer.

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