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Farewell to Naamah's PSP

Naamah D.

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My PSP 3000 died during Spring Break this April. I went to turn it on and it has a blank white screen. It died right before I could figure out how to do one of Mileena's fatalities on Mortal Kombat: Unchained.


My birthday is coming up so I'm debating either getting a new PSP or a PS Vita. Anyways, I hope that my PS3 won't kick the bucket anytime soon and I've had my PS3 since 2010 or 2011 (I've had it so long I forget when I got it).


Anyway, Naamah loves anything PlayStation related.

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Rotten luck. I'm a big PS fan as well. On my second PS3 (got the first the day they were released but it didn't last long.) Hoping to get a PS4 once they've been out long enough to have the kinks worked out. I don't game as much as I use to anyway with the little un' and all. I've always been with the Gameboy handheld though, since I'm old and that's all there was when I was young. I have a PSP but haven't used it much, don't know much about the Vita. Good luck either way, can't go wrong with Sony.

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I hear the Vita is amazing, but I opted to get a 3DS XL over the Vita and I don't make as much money as I'd like so...it'll probably be a bit longer before I get a Vita myself.


That sucks though. :( I had a PSP for awhile (PSP1000), then I sold it, then I regretted it, so I bought another one (PSP3000) and...I really only play it for the Final Fantasies I have downloaded on it. I hope you're able to replace it (or get a Vita!) soon. I have to have a handheld everywhere I go myself.

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