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Black and White Customisation

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The concept is that through some magical mishap, this draik has gotten all the colour wiped out and now needs to get it back. What do you think? Does it needs a background? Is it too cluttered? I left some red around the eyes, but in general, I would appreciate it if all suggestions remain black and white :)


Oh, and no NC please! :)

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I think it looks really lovely without the background. There's probably one that would go really well, but I like it's simplicity and think it looks great with the frame - gives the pet more of the focus ^^


Excellent character idea as well!!

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The daggers are a bit too much imo. They distract me from the outfit.

I think these backgrounds might go well with it:
- A Grey Day Background
- Creepy Cave Background
- Haunted Laboratory Background
- Meridell Stone Wall Background
- Neovia Shop Silhouette Background


and Wild Ink Frame would also be great for it.

Great customisation btw! :D

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I like it without the background, too. But if you remove the frame, the Manor Room Crime Scene Background would give you a nice grayscale ambiance.


I like the red around the eyes, but the dagger has some blue tone and the pants have some brown, so I would recommend changing both to ones that were more grayscale (I'm not sure you need a handheld item at all...). The trousers actually aren't too noticeable once you remove the daggers (at least not with the frame -- they still stand out once you add a background), but if you wanted to switch to pure grayscale, the only NP option I see is the stealthy draik trousers (a very expensive option -- and it would involve moving some pets around or having to paint twice, but you'd get the other stealthy draik clothes).


Other handheld items that might work (though I'm not crazy about any of them, and you don't really need one):

pirate cutless

frying pan

polar chucks


Possible lower foreground items (not sure one is needed):

directors slate

manor room crime scene foreground

special event foreground


Anyway, here's the outfit with the stealthy pants, no daggers, the manor foreground, and the special event foreground.

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