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Another Pose?

Master of Puppets

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Hello community, me again.

this time wanted to ask something I saw looking profiles of other users.

it was that pets are like another pose than normal, and looks much better!!!.

so I would ask what was this another pose, and how i can get it.

or was some kind of event or something.




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Are you talking about unconverted pets? These are neopets whose colors previously gave them a special pose before customization was implemented. Only certain pet/color combinations were given the option to stay the same, while the rest were converted into the poses you see today. There is no way to obtain a UC now, other than to trade for one.



Normal | Unconverted

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if so like @ruto and @leverhelven says, are the Unconverted pets

that's one of the poses I saw a Draik, also saw the Plushie pets are those that I liked more.

I thought you could get in some special way.

Unconverted pets are so great, there gave them a time long ago???

even with the laboratory i Can get one?.

thanks for the replies.


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The conversion (where all pets were redesigned so that they could wear clothes) happened in... 2006 I think it was? Some of the old designs were kept on, (Faerie Shoyru, Faerie Draik, Plushie Shoyru etc) and you were allowed to choose if you wanted to keep as they were or wear clothes - the ones that chose to keep are the Unconverted pets we see today.

You won't be able to get an unconverted pet with the lab ray, no, I'm afraid :(

The best way to get one is to train up a very well named pet (short name with a capital letter) to 1000+HSD and trade for one


Here's a great page where you can see all the unconverteds that are still available: http://www.neopets.com/~koneko

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I remember if those were the old pets, then those uncoverted pets can not wear clothes?

I thought maybe the lab had a chance.

these are the only requirements to have one of those pets, shame, I liked many plushie pets as they look.

thank you very much for the reply.


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