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Got a warning from TNT...help?


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I was in need of the Landfish for the new daily, so I went to the event-chat to ask for it. However, a minute later, I got a warning from TNT, saying I was begging for it. I wasn't, however! I was just asking if anyone had it so they could send it to me. Is that bad? :(

Also, the message that caused me to get the Warning was completely unrelated to begging items, it was another post I made a few hours ago.

I don't want to put my accounts in risk. Anyone knows what to do about this? Thank you.

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If you were asking people to gift it to you, then that probably constitutes begging in their book. If you were suggesting a trade, like "I'll trade this item/pay this much for a Landfish", then it would probably be okay as far as I know (don't quote me on that), but asking for free is technically "begging". It's weird that the post in question wasn't the post where you were asking for the item, though.

My advice is just don't do it again and nothing more will come of it. You can ask here and no one will get mad at you, we have a thread for that if you haven't posted there yet, so you can try that if you still need the Landfish. Best of luck!

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yes you definitely have to watch what you say :/ I made the mistake recently when someone asked about my guild and I said we had "contests" when I should have said "activities". I didn't mention prizes, as we just compete for bragging rights but nonetheless I was reported and will never make that mistake again :X I also needed a landfish for the daily today and someone was very kind to trade me three of them. Don't worry, everyone makes mistakes, and I'm sure we've all encountered warnings at some point. I wouldn't stress over it :)

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That's weird because I asked for help more than once on that item and never got any warning. Maybe it's a certain combo of words? I remember saying, though not thinking about it, 'Can anybody help me with these items?'

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@LunaS Maybe it is. I'll just go earn NP to buy it. *sighs* Or i'll do dailies first. If I don't get it, i'll play some flash games.

@ShelleyJoy Yeah, I think It was just what I said was misunderstood. I forgot to say I would trade my items for it, but I forgot since I was very tired. :I

@agrinwithoutacat Yeah, I think that's why I got the warning in the first place. I'm very clumsy, but i'll never do that again.


Thanks for your answers, everyone! I'll just be more cautious the next time. :)

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