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You know what? I've changed my mind. I do wonder what it would be like if my Neopets were around in real life. (How would I deal with eight of them?)


  • You wonder if a Neopets movie would be any good
  • You think of how vast the Pokemon universe has grown and how you've lost track...and decide you ought to stick with Neopets

You wonder if using a paintbrush changes the texture of their fur/feathers/scales (I think that a desert Krawk would have a rougher texture than a pirate Krawk)

You start thinking about the teleportation system used to get around (I understand I am a geek, and will always go for the sci-fi explanation first- but seriously how else would you get from Shenku to Terror Mountain every day, it's either teleportation or a time dilation feild, and wow, now I have to go think about the implications of all of Neopia being in a time dilation feild, and the planet's average rotational speed-- excuse me)


I have no idea what a time dilation field is. Wow.


Yeah, I think about apparating and such sometimes, too.


When you stress over spending your hard-earned np but have no issue dropping real money on some nc to customize your pets.


...oh so guilty.

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