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Are you obsessed about a pet species?


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I LOVE LENNY'S!!! Oh my goodness, they are my favorite by far!! They remindme of australian childhood cartoons!! I JUST got an orange lenny! He is amazebeans lol. If anyone read this and also has a love for lenny's- FRIEND ME! :)


I also have a soft spot for krawks. ;)

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Wow....how did I miss this thread?? I finally find it after it's a month old! Wow XD


But much like paperdoll66 said, I love Aishas! Maybe they hold significance to me as my first ever Neopet was an Aisha, and when I created a new account (because I could not get my first account to activate), I adopted another Aisha (that is Shuhune!) I only really have two, each one on a different account, but that's because I limit myself to a maximum of two per favorite species so I can have more diversity. Hence, two Xweetoks, two Koi, two Gelerts, and two Korbats as well, as those are other species I really like. (and of course it depends on the concept I have for the character first). All "pairs" live on different accounts like my two Aishas, except my Koi, who live on the same account (they're sisters). I also like Cybunnies and Lupes too, even though I have only one of each.


Thinking of showing them off maybe, but not all of them have really spectacular customisations @_@ Especially my side account pets.

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Prisca - you found a friend! I too love Lennys. Although admittedly I like a lot of different pets but Lennys are my favorite. I also really like Aishas, cybunnies kougras, wockies, lupes, grarrls and Boris. I have or will have all of them soon and I just created a pteri so that I can paint him baby. I like TNT's sense of humor there. But Lenny is the only species that I own three of.

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