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Cheese Roller Statistics Project

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Cheese: Spicy Juppie Cheese

Action: Dive Left

Times: 75, 66, 83


I didn't have much neopoints on hand so I went with the cheapest. Interesting, because even if I never win, I get a little net gain anyway. Hmmm. Will keep using this cheese until the data for the statistics reaches 100 games or something. Then I'll switch moves.

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If I ever see cheese that in any way resembles the Warty Blue Cheese, FurorPaxx, I promise to... take a picture of it and post it here. I don't know if I would go as far as trying it just to tell you how it tastes, sorry =P


Cheese: Gooey Snot Cheese

Action: Alternating Right/Left, starting with Right, and repeating when you get slowed down

Times: 66, 67, 70

What an ignominious end to the Gooey Snot Cheese. Well, I'm going to start on Alkenore Cheese tomorrow and put more data on that row. I like the Alkenore Cheese.




Cheese: Alkenore Cheese

Action: Forward Somersault

Times: 86, 72, 78


alkenore cheese... does not like forward somersault.

Edited by xrazydiamond
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Cheese: Spicy Juppie Cheese

Action: Dive Left

Times: 66, 88, 64


Wow, I got a TERRIBLE on that second run omg 0 NP but there's still net gain from the 3 runs hmm...

On a completely irrelevant note, I was cringing every time the event said "...good thing you dived left!" or something because I keep thinking "it's supposed to be 'dove' left!" but apparently, that works, too. Huh. (Still weird to me, though.)

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Cheese: Warty Blue Cheese

Action: Dive Left

Times: 65, 69, 86


Sadness. No Warty Blue Cheese to top my Grarrl Crackers. Can't you hear their tiny little "rawwwwrrrrr" of forlorn tastiness?


That Alkenore Cheese bugs me out. It looks like a squished Koromon... who digivolves into Agumon... who looks like a wimpy Grarrl. med_cheese_7.gif +foo_grarrl_crackers.gif= HORROR!!

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Cheese: Warty Blue Cheese

Action: Dive Right

Times: 66, 63, 74


Well, that wraps up the Warty Blue Cheese. Tomorrow I shall try for the Fragrant Umagcheese. Before I leave, here, guys, have some Kacheek Bread to put your Spicy Juppie Cheese on when you get it.




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