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Hi there! My name is Sara but I mainly go by May on Neopets. I've been playing on and off for about ten years and have had my current account (my first account where I didn't forget the password--ah, the joys of being a child) for nearly seven years. I was looking for a new avatar logging tool since avatarlog's death eons ago, and that's how I stumbled upon TDN. I've been using forums for nearly as long as I've been playing Neopets, and it'll be nice to meet fellow Neopians off-site! The Neoboards are too cluttered to browse regularly.


So, yeah. ^_^

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Hey Sara! My name is Gabriel, it's a pleasure to meet you and welcome to TDN :rock:

And I know how you feel, I've been on and off Neopets as well ( since 2000 to be honest) but now I decided to stay.

Welcome (once again) and see ya!

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Hi and welcome to our little family Sara. I'm glad you decided to join us. :)

I hope you'll feel at home here. :laughingsmiley:

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