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Been given a Bd Zafara, but don't know what to equip!

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Am in need of your advice forumeers! been given this amazing Zafara http://www.neopets.com/quickref.phtml but i am at a loss as to what to buy to equip to him, can you give me any hints as to what i should look to getting?!

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Just so you know, your link is to the quick reference page, which is different for each user. It shows only your own pets. You can send someone a link to your specific pet by using the pet's lookup's link. Is this your new BD Zafara? http://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Chlorophyllic


If you're unsure what to equip, I'd recommend the Battlepedia's Basic Weapon Sets guide. It has whole lists of weapons that are considered good buys, with good power to price ratios. You can take a look and decide what's right for your pet and your budget. As long as you get weapons from a variety of categories on that page, you should be fine. (Except you probably want to stay away from shields. Keep reading to find out why.)


The other weapon you might want to consider is Velms Healing Potion. It's not on the recommended weapons page because it's pretty useless for most pets, but lab pets that have high HP can usually get better use out of it. For example, your pet would gain 37.8 HP from using VHP, which is more than with Lesser Healing Scroll. If you keep increasing your pet's HP, you'll get even more use out of VHP.


Also, I would recommend you start training. Level has become more important with faerie abilities relying on level. If you can get your pet to Level 50 and get the ability Lens Flare, it will help you immensely in your battling. I use it in every battle I do. To read more about faerie abilities, see the article on http://battlepedia.thedailyneopets.com/index.php/articles/viewarticle/new-faerie-abilities/. Plus, once you get to Level 189, you can start training other stats like strength. Your pet currently has a strength boost of 3, but if you can increase his strength to 200, then he'll have a strength boost of 4.5. Just by doing that, the unblocked damage you inflict on opponents will increase by 150%. Usually, training is more cost effective than upgrading your weapons. If you would like to learn more, see the Neopian Times article here: http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=555848&week=611.


Beyond that, if you train, you'll have a chance to increase your pet's defense. The amount of damage blocked by shields depends on a pet's defense. Since your pet's defense is very low, your boost is currently 0.75. So, if you buy a shield that blocks 5 of a type of icon, your pet will only block 3.75 damage - not even the full 5! Thus, you won't get much use out of shields, so you might want to put your NP toward other weapons.

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that's a brilliant help, thank you! =) yes that is my new pet, apologies for using the wrong link! Have started to lvl him up as i know the higher the lvl the better he can do, will look into the healing potion! Will swap between lvling up and defence increase and hopefully he'll be able to take hits more than just with his high health! lol

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