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Black Market Goods doubt


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Ohai! So, the Black Market Goods boon is defined as "Shows and highlights r85+ items in shop restocks that are not available to those without the boon. Essentially, extra items restock for the Neopians using this boon." (taken from JellyNeo.)


My doubt is: since it shows r85+, can it help me with the Chocolate Factory avvie? I mean, avvie items will be highlighted, right? It'd be awesome because I've been trying to get that avvie for months. Thanks to whomever clarifies it! :)

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I've tried it before but within the time I had the boon nothing in the shop was ever highlighted. I mean I was on everyday looking for it.. Maybe it was just the wrong times I was looking?


On normal days (ie. not half price day), the shop stock moves slowly because nobody restocks the 'junk' items, so there's only a small chance that anything with a rarity of 85+ will show up.


The boon will certainly give you a slight advantage, but all the better if you have restocking experience. Also keep in mind you need to buy a r90+ item to get the avatar, so not every highlighted item will land you the avatar.

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