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I'm new here - if that is, you couldn't tell by the topic. Well, as most introductions are quite awkward, I'm going to try my best not to make this one awkward. That will be hard haha. Well, let me get down to the basics - my name is Kaley, 12, 6th grade, and homeschooled. Homeschooled for 3 years actually. I love being homeschooled, but it's been kinda messing around with my social behavior around people. When I meet new people in real life, my face turns red as a tomato and I start shaking. Visibly shaking. So, my parents have been trying to get me in a school since August. Anyways, do you think I'm normal? Ha. Funny, funny. I'm so crazy it's not even funny. I share a computer with my dad and I sometimes get on the computer and start putting random, ridiculous stuff on some of my profiles out there. It's actually pretty funny. You might catch me doing it one day. You probably have never seen a 12-year-old crazy. I don't act like the normal 12-year-olds and I don't eat some of the junk that 12-year-olds might eat and normal 12-year-olds don't like the same type of music that I listen to. I consider myself as one of a kind at times. Yes, I am female. I am aware that "emperor" is in my name and not empress, but I actually named this account after one of my characters title.



Some of my interests are - music,kids animes, dragons, drawing, writing, goofing around, playing my 3DS, collecting cute things that I know I don't need, torturing my 6-year-old cat who's name is Biscuit, causing destruction all throughout the Earth, then, crushing on a stupid fictional character like I'm totally not guilty. -I'll stop there


By the way, I'm on a few other pet websites other than Neo if you would like to know my username, don't be afraid to ask!


Okay, so I think I made this too long, but at least it's not awkward or is it?

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:worried: That must be one of the funniest introductions I've read. Welcome to the forum and I really hope you'll like it here. Now do go turning red and start shaking, no worries, we're new but we're very friendly! ;)

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Welcome to TDN forums. Definitely not the most boring introduction I've ever read.. hope to see you around. :P

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