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Happy Ruki Day!


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Oh how I have been waiting for some Ruki love from TNT!


The Woodland colour is gorgeous due to the detail. The subtle green tints on its body, rock back, and mouldy patches on the feet look excellent. It certainly doesn't look like a basic job compared to other Woodland Neopets.


I find that the Ruki's body shape (the backside) gives a graceful appearance when clothed. So I love both clothing sets and how the wigs looks natural and don't dominate the look.

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The clothing sets look SO lovely! They were really well designed. :D The Woodland colour is nice, though I'm not in complete love with it.

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Ooh, finally the Rukis get a little more love :) The clothes turned out quite well, taking into account how tricky it must have been to design clothes for the funny-looking Rukis. The red dress is lovely! I don't have a ruki, but it looks great - very detailed!

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I love both outfits and I think he Woodland Ruki is pretty cute :) Way to go, TNT, I think Rukis needs more attention!

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I'd been really looking forward to Ruki Day, then forgot about it.


I'm definitely pleasantly surprised with Woodland. There hasn't really been a lot of new/amazing colors released for the Ruki, so it's nice to see one. I think they did a great job on it and I love the details. I also really adore both outfits.

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