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Okay this was just weird. (The Invisible REs)

Lady Lyuba

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I was just browsing the site when suddenly out of nowhere my active lost all her HP at once. What's freaky is that this was my battle pet, who has a TON of HP....so it's shocking she could lose all her HP out of nowhere like that. I have heard of invisible random events however, and I admit I have gotten a few in the past. The only question is what RE could cause a BD pet with high stats to suddenly lose all their HP.


Here you can share any other strange happenings you've witnessed on Neo....and we can ponder what they were!

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Out of curiosity, do you remember what pages you had visited right before your pet lost all her health? There is no such thing as an "invisible Random Event" (although I believe there are a couple avatars that are awarded without notification), though there is a RE that turns your pet invisible. The ones that you can get just from browsing the site will all show up (though if you have a slower connection and click through pages quickly, they may not load for you to see before you click away from the page). I'm also not aware of any REs that completely drain HP. There are a couple that can make your pet sick or heal HP though. Is it possible it was an old window from earlier in the day? If you lost the HP since then, when you refreshed it, it would show the loss. Had you spun any wheels or visited the Snowager recently?

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Out of curiosity, do you remember what pages you had visited right before your pet lost all her health? There is no such thing as an "invisible Random Event" (although I believe there are a couple avatars that are awarded without notification), though there is a RE that turns your pet invisible. The ones that you can get just from browsing the site will all show up (though if you have a slower connection and click through pages quickly, they may not load for you to see before you click away from the page). I'm also not aware of any REs that completely drain HP. There are a couple that can make your pet sick or heal HP though. Is it possible it was an old window from earlier in the day? If you lost the HP since then, when you refreshed it, it would show the loss. Had you spun any wheels or visited the Snowager recently?


No, none of that, and it turns out, there do not seem to be any REs that take away all your pets health, and no, I have not visited the snowager or spun any wheels. I generally avoid harmful dailies that could make my pet sick.

I was in a User shop buying food, there was a lot of really cheap food in there and while purchasing, my pet suddenly lost all her HP.

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