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I'm hoping this is the correct place to ask this...


I've been collecting standard colored plushies of Neopet species for my gallery. But I've run into a bit of a snag in the home stretch (20ish plushies to go). There doesn't seem to be a Red Pteri Plushie. There is a MAGICAL Red Pteri Plushie, but I can't find any traces of a normal one - not in Neopets search, the trading post, or Jellyneo's item database. If Magical plushies turn into regular plushies after they're used, then it stands to reason this plushie exists - except it doesn't seem to.


I've also looked under "toy" and "doll", since Poogles are the only species to have a colored set as toys and not plushies, but that isn't turning up anything either - and there is a regular blue, green and yellow Pteri plushie, which I have.


Does anyone know what happened to it, or if it does exist and nobody likes red Pteris enough to use the magical doll, and I'll need to buy and use it? I sent in a question to the Editorial some time ago, but they never answered. :p


Help much appreciated. (Also, if anyone has harder to get (30,000+ NP) plushies of basic colored neopets that they'd like to part with, please tell me!)


Huh. Acoording to JN's item DB, the only one is the Magical Red Pteri Plushie. That's pretty weird. The closest thing to it I could find is the Red Pteri Handheld Plushie that was a prize from the Red Pteri KQ token.


What i would do is use the magical Plushie on a pet you don't want, and then send it to the pound/Lab ray it or something like that. Also you probably have these already but here are some Plushies I have. plu_tuskaninny_discarded.gif Discarded Tuskaninny Plushie nimmoplush1.gif Blue Nimmo Plushietoy_ixi_plushblue.gifBlue Ixi Plushie andmoehogplush3.gif Yellow Moehog plushie. Good luck :D





I really like how your gallery is organized, and that you put placeholder items for the ones you were missing. I was able to quickly check my SDB for the species you were missing (sadly, I didn't have any). It's a nice (manageable) twist on a plushie gallery.


Alas, Desertfreak, I've got those ones, thank you though. :3


Siniri, you have no idea how long that took me. I plan to make a custom theme for it once I'm done and submit it, but since some of those plushies are in the 100,000s range, it may take a while. I'm dirt poor at the moment. xD I should probably just put a need's list in the description or something. Thank you very much for your comment, I'm glad someone appreciates the work I put into it!


Alas, Desertfreak, I've got those ones, thank you though. :3


Siniri, you have no idea how long that took me.

I have 1,615 items in my gallery, arranged into nearly as many categories as allowed, and then organized in the main area by category, in the exact same order as they are in the category. Trust me, I understand how much time it takes to organize a gallery. ;) (It's easier if you find a way to keep it organized as it grows, but thanks to lots of event prizes, etc., I let mine get out of hand and had a few hundred to order. It took me hours and hours, but I finished it last week or so. Anyway, that's why I could immediately appreciate the ingenuity of your "placeholder" item idea.)


You can submit it even if it's not 100% complete -- maybe use the colored keychains as placeholders (if those even exist)? I need to code mine, too... maybe in August.


Ouch, that sounds pretty bad. Mine just took me ages because I have trouble telling stuff apart (Dyslexia), so trying to organize four items in a row that have the same name, then vertically by color (both things easily confused in my head) took a lot longer then it should. It took several months before I stopped finding mistakes.


I didn't think about using the keychains, that's actually a good idea. I'll look into if they have them for the ones I'm missing. Thanks!

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