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"Inappropriate Words" in Neopian Adventure Generator


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I'm working on a story in the Neopian Adventure Generator, and I keep trying to submit it before being told that I've used "one or more inappropriate words." I literally cannot figure out what word I've used.


The story as of now stands like this:



You decide to move on.
After several more unfruitful hours of looking, you decide to just get your mother some Jazan cake from Qasalan Delights.
Mother's Day comes. You give your mother a book from the Faerieland Bookshop and the cake from Qasala. As she nibbles on the sandy cake, you notice the headline of The Neopian Times:
The accompanying picture looks vaguely familiar, but you can't quite place him...


The original was something like this:




You decide to move on.
After several more unfruitful hours of looking, you decide to just get your mother some Jazan cake from Qasalan Delights.
Mother's Day comes. You give your mother a book from the Faerieland Bookshop and the cake from Qasala. As she munches on the sandy cake, you notice the headline of The Neopian Times:
The accompanying picture looks vaguely familiar, but you can't quite place him...



I thought it might be "killed" or "freak" or even "neopian" "ceo" or "munches", but I changed those and it's still not accepting it. Is it just locking me out because I used "freak" or "killed"? Or is there some secretly salacious word I'm using that I'm not getting.


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"Killed" is the most likely culprit. I doubt "munches" would do it, but I wouldn't be surprised if "freak" also tipped them off. I've found the best way to avoid having trouble with the filters is to write as though you're speaking to a young child that you have just met. It tends to keep me out of trouble :P

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That's what I thought too, but even submitting the new version it won't let me.


What's the whole issue with "killed"? I remember reading the Ski Lodge Murder Mystery when I was 8 or 9, there was definitely a lot of killing going on then.



So I don't know which words it was, but here's the version that got through:



You decide to move on.

After several more unfruitful hours of looking, you decide to just get your mother some Jazan cake from Qasalan Delights.
Mothers Day arrives. You give your mother a book from the Faerieland Bookshop and the cake from Qasala. As she nibbles on the sandy cake, you notice the headline of The Neopian Times:
The picture of him looks familiar, but you're not sure where you've seen him before...
Your life continues on as normal.
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That's what I thought too, but even submitting the new version it won't let me.


What's the whole issue with "killed"? I remember reading the Ski Lodge Murder Mystery when I was 8 or 9, there was definitely a lot of killing going on then.


When Neopets was originally created, its target audience was college students. They weren't really worried about offending or corrupting young children because there weren't a lot of young children on the site. As Neopets has aged, its target audience has gotten younger. Plus, with being a larger, more famous site and being owned by a corporation now, they are likely more worried about lawsuits. Because of that, they are ultra-careful with their filters now.
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Wow. Thats for that info Lamppost! I had no idea Neo was initially targetted for College students.


I started playing it when I was quite young, maybe 10 years old? And have been off and on the site ever since.


Now that I'm playing as an adult I definitely see the appeal to an older audience as well.


Interesting nonethelesss!

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