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From Issue 484 of the Neopian Times editorial:



*tosses cake* I have heard that there is something in Neopia (even though it costs a fortune) that makes your Neopet's gender change! It's called the Strange Potion. I was wondering, if you had a royalboy or royalgirl Neopet, what would happen if you changed the royal Neopet's gender? If it is a royalgirl and is changed to a boy, would it change to a royalboy? Sorry if this question has already been asked! ~kittinz008

It would only change the gender of your Neopet; it won't repaint your Neopet into the colour associated with the gender. For example, you'd have a Neopet that looks like a royalboy but is actually female.


The Editorial Quote above only mentions a Strange Potion - not the Secret Lab. I can tell you from experience that if a gender change is attained through the Secret Laboratory (NOT fighting the Scientist in the Battledome) in your case a RoyalBoy pet, he will turn into a RoyalGirl pet, complete with all the clothes.

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