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Ticket category for a possible compromised pet


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I am posting this for a friend, and I'm curious about this as well for future references!


I didn't have any luck finding an answer anywhere else, so I thought I'd give asking on the forums here a try. Apologies if this is the wrong place to ask something like this!
I found a pet stuck in the pound today that is very well trained, painted, and has two trophies. Google cache revealed the pet's previous owner to me, who appears to be frozen now. I find all of this to be highly suspicious and can only assume the pet is from a compromised account. I want to submit a ticket about the pet, but I'm not sure what issue type to choose. I know others have submitted tickets about this kind of thing in the past, but I can't find any information about it.
What is the best thing to do in this situation? Any insight is appreciated.


Has anyone send a similar ticket or know which category it would be best to send it in?

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There's nothing you can really do about a pet. You could submit a ticket under the "scammed" category, but as it's you submitting the ticket and not the original owner of the pet, it's not likely TNT would reveal any information to you. It's possible the pet was from a person who quit, pounded their pets and self-froze. Or, as Linds mentioned, someone chucked it in there for (kinda) safe keeping. But if it's not your pet, or even someone you happen to personally know (though a longshot), it's unlikely TNT could do much with your ticket because there's no way to find out the circumstances of why it's in the pound (pound transfer, scam, abandoned account, etc).

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TNT has be reversing trades of compromised pets so I'm assuming TNT will contact her (or whoever adopts it) in some capacity (if it was in fact compromised)


A lot of people also chuck stuck pets in the pound in hopes they stay unnoticed and can pick them up at a later time. There's no way to really tell what happened to the owner/pet so I guess I'm not really any help here hahaha

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