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Hi guys! Was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction, hopefully. This will be my first ever AC, very exciting! I haven't done much research (okay, really none) about the AC. Don't really know how it works except something about games... which makes me think I might not do so well, as I'm terrible at flash-games. Also, there's something about an All-Star trophy that makes this event even more appealing! It would be great to get it, hopefully I have the time for it. (whatever it is) I'm assuming a lot of gaming.


Anyways, I'd really like to know more about the teams. I have no idea which one to join because I know nothing about them. If you guys happen to have any good AC resources that you know of I'd be happy to look over them so I can know more about the event, teams, games, prizes, etc. :D Also, what do the winners get? and who were the previous winners?




Kreludor was the winning team last year (WOOOO -waves pompoms-), but (if I remember right) all we got was a fancy gold trophy. :D Your prizes for the prize shop come from how much playing you did. You can see my stats from last year here http://www.neopets.com/altador/colosseum/2012/trophy.phtml?username=scoptophobia. I didn't do as much playing as a lot of people, and you can tell from my rank- a piddly 5! But that may give you an idea of how much playing really goes on during the AC. Each rank takes more work to get to (kind of like when you're leveling up in Habi). I still got a lot of good stuff from the prize shop though, and I was pleased with how I did. We have a number of All Star players on TDN though, and if you look at THEIR stats, you'll probably be completely blown away.

All of the games are pretty easy though. YooYuBall is kind of like soccer, and every win (regardless of you only getting one goal, or only winning by one point or whatever) counts towards your AC score. It takes a little getting used to, since different Yooyooballs have different abilities (fire ones go fast, snow ones go slow, darigan ones go everywhere, etc). But pretty easy, but the game takes at least 3 minutes, so longer than the others.

Slushie Slinger is just about everyone's least favourite game. It's fun when you start out, but the games take a long time, and only score above a certain benchmark (I don't remember what it is) count. Also, you need to play 2 of these games to make it count for the same amount of AC points as YYB.

Make Some Noise is really easy. You press two buttons on your keyboard really really fast until you hit a certain number of points (I think it was 1200 last year) and then you send it. Usually takes about 10 seconds.

Shootout Showdown is similarily quick and easy. You're just trying to get a yooyuball into the goal without the goalie getting in the way. Once you get the timing down, really easy. Probably takes 5-20 seconds for each game.

MSN and SoSd are my favourite games, personally. Becuase they are so quick and easy though, they count for even less than Slushie Slinger does- I think you have to play 12 of those games to be equal to playing 1 game of YYB.


I saw on some forum that you need to play 2000 games of YYB to reach All Star- that was last year, but it's probably the same this year. So that's about 60 games a day. Also, you should be aware that just reaching All Star won't give you enough points to get the highest priced prize in the prize shop. Some people get double or even triple All Star, and only then can they get the YooYu that's the big prize.


I might be biased, but I think TDN's guide to the AC is the best. ;D



... kind of went on a tangent there, Sorry! Anyway, more about the teams. On the sidebar of the TDN page there are links with all of the team shields. Each of those leads to a lovely write up on the team- the size of their fanbase, how they tend to fare in each of the games, a little bit about each of the players, etc.


A little more information on prizes: you can take a look at the prize shop from last year here:http://www.neopets.com/altador/colosseum/2012/prizes.phtml

So you have an idea of how many games gets you what- my total prize points earned were 2,459.


Excellent answer from Rebecca above.


Just to clarify, it's pretty much impossible to predict who's going to win, so just choose a team you like best. My team, Roo Island, came first one year, and ninth the next! However, there are some teams that regularly prop up the bottom of the rankings, so if you want to have a chance of winning, do some research and avoid those!


June is always a very busy time for me, so I seldom get much farther than Level 1. All-star takes a LOT of effort!


Kreludor was the winning team last year (WOOOO -waves pompoms-), but (if I remember right) all we got was a fancy gold trophy. :D Your prizes for the prize shop come from how much playing you did. You can see my stats from last year here http://www.neopets.com/altador/colosseum/2012/trophy.phtml?username=scoptophobia. I didn't do as much playing as a lot of people, and you can tell from my rank- a piddly 5! But that may give you an idea of how much playing really goes on during the AC. Each rank takes more work to get to (kind of like when you're leveling up in Habi). I still got a lot of good stuff from the prize shop though, and I was pleased with how I did. We have a number of All Star players on TDN though, and if you look at THEIR stats, you'll probably be completely blown away.

All of the games are pretty easy though. YooYuBall is kind of like soccer, and every win (regardless of you only getting one goal, or only winning by one point or whatever) counts towards your AC score. It takes a little getting used to, since different Yooyooballs have different abilities (fire ones go fast, snow ones go slow, darigan ones go everywhere, etc). But pretty easy, but the game takes at least 3 minutes, so longer than the others.

Slushie Slinger is just about everyone's least favourite game. It's fun when you start out, but the games take a long time, and only score above a certain benchmark (I don't remember what it is) count. Also, you need to play 2 of these games to make it count for the same amount of AC points as YYB.

Make Some Noise is really easy. You press two buttons on your keyboard really really fast until you hit a certain number of points (I think it was 1200 last year) and then you send it. Usually takes about 10 seconds.

Shootout Showdown is similarily quick and easy. You're just trying to get a yooyuball into the goal without the goalie getting in the way. Once you get the timing down, really easy. Probably takes 5-20 seconds for each game.

MSN and SoSd are my favourite games, personally. Becuase they are so quick and easy though, they count for even less than Slushie Slinger does- I think you have to play 12 of those games to be equal to playing 1 game of YYB.


I saw on some forum that you need to play 2000 games of YYB to reach All Star- that was last year, but it's probably the same this year. So that's about 60 games a day. Also, you should be aware that just reaching All Star won't give you enough points to get the highest priced prize in the prize shop. Some people get double or even triple All Star, and only then can they get the YooYu that's the big prize.


I might be biased, but I think TDN's guide to the AC is the best. ;D



... kind of went on a tangent there, Sorry! Anyway, more about the teams. On the sidebar of the TDN page there are links with all of the team shields. Each of those leads to a lovely write up on the team- the size of their fanbase, how they tend to fare in each of the games, a little bit about each of the players, etc.


A little more information on prizes: you can take a look at the prize shop from last year here:http://www.neopets.com/altador/colosseum/2012/prizes.phtml

So you have an idea of how many games gets you what- my total prize points earned were 2,459.

Perfect. Just perfect answer. Exactly what I was looking for. I am going to look through the guides but you really "dumbed it down for me" and I really appreciate that because I had no idea what the hype was about. :) It seems pretty fun overall, but my dreams of reaching AllStar have been completely shattered. 60 games a day, every single day for a month? I have no idea how people manage that! If each game takes around 3 minutes that comes out to 3 hours of yooyooball a day! I don't think there is any chance at all for me to manage that. & That's not even enough for the most expensive item in the prize shop? It should be! IMO. That's a lot of work!, haha. *sighs* This is one of those times I wish I was a carefree kid again who had the whole summer to spend on neopets. xD Not a care in the world. Lol. But somehow without my consent I have been transformed into this thing called an "adult". Ugh, how I loathe it at times like this. xD


Regardless though, I hope to at least make it to a level 5 like you did. I can tell that Slushie Slinger wasn't your favorite considering you played that one the very least. :P Yooyooball seems like it is going to be quite fun to play though. So can't wait for that! Perhaps I'll have a chance at AllStar if I play a whole bunch of games on some days and the only a few on others, as I'm sure to have quite a few busy days this summer. It's too bad that no avatars are awarded though, that would be nice. :( But I'll jump at the chance at prizes and a trophy anyways! Unfortunately I wasn't able to view the prize shop for some reason, but I'm sure the guide you linked on TDN has the prizes there. I will give them all a look through.


Thank you as always Rebecca. Don't know what I'd do without your help! :wub_anim:


Elbandito - Thanks for the heads up about the teams! Although I'm a tad confused still. It seems like this would be kind of like how the Obelisk war is now, with the most popular team usually being the deciding factor. At least, it would make the most sense to me considering they go based off team effort and scores, right? So wouldn't you have a better chance choosing a team that is really popular? Have there been teams in the past that have one on several occasions or are there any teams that usually make it in the top 3? ^^ and yes, I've came to the conclusion that I more than likely will not get my hands on that shiny AllStar trophy. :( Sucks!


So wouldn't you have a better chance choosing a team that is really popular? Have there been teams in the past that have one on several occasions or are there any teams that usually make it in the top 3?


This page on Jellyneo: http://www.jellyneo.net/index.php?go=plotsummary_ac will tell you about how well teams have done in the past.


You'll see for instance, that Faerieland have always been near the bottom, so choosing them if you want to win wouldn't be advised!


Last year top 3 was: Kreludor, Mystery island, Meridell.

Year before was: Virtupets, Krawk Island, Kreludor.


As Kreludor won last year, I wouldn't choose them. If you look back, you'll see that the winning team have never come better than seventh the following year. This is probably because lots of casual players join them, hoping for an easy win, and as a consequence push them down the rankings.


Exactly how TNT work it out has never been revealed, but its certainly something to do with the average score of those competing. So choosing the most popular team isn't necessarily the best idea, as it could have lots of members who don't contribute much.


Overall, as in the past the only difference between the winning teams has been the type of trophy they get, I wouldn't worry about it too much!


I was hoping i can help. One way of choosing is pick our favorite land of neopia, Favorite species ect. for instance if you love Kikos you would join kiko lake. Also if you wanna be on a strong team here are the winners


Haunted woods

Darigain Citadel

Roo island

Krawk island

Lost Desert




Haunted woods, roo island, virtupets and kreludor are not predicted to be in the top 4.

Kreludor has the winner's curse, meaning the team that wins the previous year always is low the next year. For instance Lost desert came in 1st in altador cup V but in AC VI they went down to 13th. I hope i helped and good luck whatever team you choose!







I saw on some forum that you need to play 2000 games of YYB to reach All Star- that was last year, but it's probably the same this year. So that's about 60 games a day. Also, you should be aware that just reaching All Star won't give you enough points to get the highest priced prize in the prize shop. Some people get double or even triple All Star, and only then can they get the YooYu that's the big prize.

I don't think the 2000 games thing is accurate. I got All-Star with a lot less than 2000 points. I think it's closer to 1300. 60 games a day is still a pretty good daily goal, because I think it is a good idea to plan to not play a few days during the tournament.


Elbandito - Thanks for the heads up about the teams! Although I'm a tad confused still. It seems like this would be kind of like how the Obelisk war is now, with the most popular team usually being the deciding factor. At least, it would make the most sense to me considering they go based off team effort and scores, right? So wouldn't you have a better chance choosing a team that is really popular? Have there been teams in the past that have one on several occasions or are there any teams that usually make it in the top 3? ^^ and yes, I've came to the conclusion that I more than likely will not get my hands on that shiny AllStar trophy.


No one but TNT knows exactly how they calculate the winner. People that sign up but don't play at all, don't factor into a teams rankings at all. After that, it has something to do with the average score of the team's players. Faerieland is one of the biggest teams, but they get most of the new players, a lot of whom do not play very many games. What wins Faerieland does get are generally from strategy. Small teams tend to rank lower, but they can still finish well in the tournament or even win with a good strategy. Virtupets and Tyrannia finish better than considerably larger teams.


It is pretty hard to even say who the top teams are, but it is usually considered to be some combination of Kreludor, Krawk Island, Lost Desert, Darigan Citidel, Maraqua, Meridel, and whoever the All-Star groups join. The safest bets, in my opinion, are Kreludor, Krawk Island, and Meridel. If you want to get involved on your team's boards, there are some differences in terms of team spirit.


Great to have you on board Xandria. Glad you're ready to play for whichever team you may choose.
And don't worry, all star isn't that hard to achieve. Last year's AC was my first "competitive" AC I've played and it got
me to all star. So don't count yourself out. Anyways, good luck! :)


I don't think the 2000 games thing is accurate. I got All-Star with a lot less than 2000 points. I think it's closer to 1300. 60 games a day is still a pretty good daily goal, because I think it is a good idea to plan to not play a few days during the tournament.

Ah, that's good to know! :3 I've never hit it (and likely never will unless I start taking holidays in June, haha), but it's nice that it's not as high as I thought.


Ah, that's good to know! :3 I've never hit it (and likely never will unless I start taking holidays in June, haha), but it's nice that it's not as high as I thought.

It used to be 2000 points, but TNT lowered it last year. I can't see them raising it back up, after how mad everyone was last year about everything but the lowered rankings.


I recommend joining Krawk Island because it is the cups most successful team, so each day you won't get as disappointed as you would if you join altador.... Krawk island has gotten: 3, 4, 2, 1, 7, 2, 7 in order and we are on the rise, so join us if you want a gold trophy . Sorry, for not giving websites to cheak if I'm lying or not just take my word for it, you won't be disappointed... well just know that we lose to... so when we face Darigan Citadel for first time don't get mad, cuz we are at times late bloomers and we will come and get them in round 2 if we are playing Double Round Robin (ask someone to explain what that is, or go to Wikipedia) this year... what im trying to say is join Krawk Island for a slightly higher chance of success. (No lie I'm joining them so this comment is all true but a slight bit bias.)


You should join any team you want and if you can't decide use this quiz to see which team you should be on and I'm fine if you join any team as long as I can get some thrill versing you or having you on my team. My team is Haunted Woods and I got Rank 9. Best of luck.


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