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Heyo :) I'm new here but not new to Neopets. I've been a member of Neopets since October 1st 2001 (yeah long time huh?). I admit i did stop playing for quite a long while but just recently started up again and quite happy to be back :) My username there is mombi, so feel free to add me as a friend if you wish :)

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Welcome to TDN! It's so nice to see people coming back to Neopets after being gone for a while. There seems to be a large wave of people doing this and it's pleasing :) If you need help getting back into the swing of things with any aspect of the site you certainly have an endless font of knowledge at your disposal here. Enjoy!

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Tardy to the party but Welcome! TDN is one the most helpful sites out there, and the people

here put it over the top. I hope you have a wonderful time here, and don't hesitate to ask if

you ever need help navigating around. Happy Foruming! :3

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