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Habitarium problem, please help


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Hello all,


I have been having problems with my habitarium lately.. every time I click "Habitarium" under the games tab and click "Play", it just keeps loading and loading.. well, it says, "loading..." but I left my laptop open four about 3 hours and when I cam back, it still says "loading..".. Is there some issues going with the Habitarium right now or what? Please help me and thank you very much for your time!



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Aww, is there a reason that I may have been locked out or something? =(

Again, I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty sure that if you're level 50 and you have too many gems on the board or something then you get locked out somehow. There was a petpage on it, I'll try to find it.


EDIT: Found it! http://www.neopets.com/~nimmo

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If you left it running for too long and it filled up with gems, that could do it. Send in a ticket. You might have to try the merging habitariums trick; I don't have the link to how to do it, unfortunately, but it involves opening this habitarium first, then logging in on another account in a new tab, and opening habi in that tab, too, which will then start to take on the appearance of your locked out habi, as you discard eggs, houses, decorations, etc. (Read a guide, don't just try what I'm posting here.) Eventually, the habitarium will become unstuck.

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It doesn't always work, unfortunately. I'm locked out of my Habi and I even tried the merging method and it didn't fix it for me. It super sucks. I also sent in a ticket and never heard anything back. For some reason, they can't reset a player's Habi if it's over level 7, either.

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For those who tried the merge method and it didn't work, try it again. After my second lockout, I tried 4-5 times on one day before giving up for a while, then I got sick of waiting around and tried again another day. I keep ~50 pages of eggs and had ~15 pages of full storages. I ended up having to delete all but ~2 pages of eggs and all of my storages across all my tries before I unlocked it. I had several tries that looked like they worked, but when I tried to get in, I was still locked out. If you get frustrated (trust me, I understand!), stop for the day, or even the week, then come back and try again when you're ready. Eventually it will work. It may not leave you with much left, but at least you'll be back in to rebuild.


(What I hate is that TNT requires you to discard the "earnings" gained while merging -- except really, they're you're rightful earnings because you lose the items/gem/etc. from your main account. So you're not earning anything extra, just claiming them the only way you can. 50 pages of eggs = 15,000 purple gems that poofed -- a lot of NP to have to discard because of a glitch.)

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@Atomic: there's only a few things you need to keep an eye out for to avoid the lockouts.

Don't keep more than 10 pages of any tab (eggs, buildings, etc).

Don't have more than 30 pages total.

Don't refresh your habi with a lot of gems on the board.


There's probably a few more things but you can find the help petpages on the habi boards on neopets.

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Regarding the gems: don't let your habitarium run unattended for more than an hour or two, especially if you're prone to browser and/or Flash crashes (or internet outages). Always collect all purple gems before closing the habitarium. If it's been running a while, refresh and collect all the gems again. (Also, don't have a lot of stuff out in your habi. My first lockout was because I made mine a maze of storages and fences, and since there were so few spaces for gems to appear, it locked out when Flash crashed on me.)


Those number of pages are much lower than the real limit. Like, less than half the real limit. I routinely have 50 pages of eggs and ~15 pages of buildings, and I've never had a bag lockout. (I don't have a lot of stuff in my other tabs.) If you want to be conservative, don't have more than 30 pages of eggs or 10 pages of anything else (but try to have less than 5 pages of other things).


(The reason I have 50 pages of eggs is in case we ever get more levels, discarding them will let me level up very quickly. The ~10-13 pages of full storages will let me upgrade all my P3s, nests, houses, hospitals, and most of the storages fairly quickly, which also contributes to leveling up (and makes everyone work faster, contributing further to leveling up). As I empty them, I'll discard the storages and build new ones, upgrading and filling them, until I reach the new max level. With this strategy, I was one of the first to reach level 50 and start collecting purple gems, which were worth more twice the gems we were getting for level 25. And if I were ever desperate for NP, I could discard most of my eggs and raise some quick cash. I keep most of my eggs as larnikin nesters so I rarely have to tab through all the pages.)

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