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So, when I started playing I was given a 'starter pack' or something along that line. It included some paintbrushes and petpets. None of them are tradeable.


My question here is, were the petpets included in these 'starter packs' tradeable before? Did they exist before or were they just added for this feature?

The reason I ask is because I'm not sure if I remember seeing some of them previously when I played so many years ago.. I think I do, but I could be mistaken.


The real question I'm asking here is there anyway to get them from one account to another. My first thought would be transfer/pound a pet with the petpet (I haven't tried this), but I'm assuming TNT would have thought of this and probably made some sort of block on pounding a pet that has one of these attached?

If so, is there a way to transfer them from one account to another? Is there a possible way that people aren't sure if it works or not?


The reason for these questions is my girlfriend has started a gallery and yes, you guessed it, a petpet gallery. As I noticed the petpets she got from her pack were different from mine, I thought I'd try to help her with giving her 2 more to add to her collection.. But of course, they aren't tradeable..


I'm sorry if this has been asked before!


On a side note: does anyone know where an updated list of petpets is located? Or if one exists? Even if not completely updated, a semi-recent one? The ones I've looked at are missing quite a bit..


Actually I *think* I've managed to pound a pet with one of these no trade petpets before. But it wasn't in its original shape, i had zapped it into something else in the petpet lab (pile of soot doesn't work). So if you want to risk it, you could try that.


Actually I *think* I've managed to pound a pet with one of these no trade petpets before. But it wasn't in its original shape, i had zapped it into something else in the petpet lab (pile of soot doesn't work). So if you want to risk it, you could try that.


Hmm, I didn't even think of that.. Worth a shot! It's not like it disappears when it's zapped, it'll turn back to normal once you take it off anyways.


Thanks for the answers! I'll try this out tomorrow and hope it changes species or something ;x



On a side note: does anyone know where an updated list of petpets is located? Or if one exists? Even if not completely updated, a semi-recent one? The ones I've looked at are missing quite a bit..


Well, there is a chance that it'll go POOF when zapping, so there is a risk involved.


Hm, I forgot about that.. I actually lost one just a few days ago :eh: forgot about it already.. Well hopefully I don't have that much bad luck..


Check Jellyneo's item database. You might have to look under each category of petpet (e.g., faerie, altadorian, regular, etc.), but they're pretty comprehensive.




Just wanted to let everyone know, that it does indeed work if you are to zap the non-tradeable petpets with the lab ray into a difference petpet and then move it to another account.




Just wanted to let everyone know, that it does indeed work if you are to zap the non-tradeable petpets with the lab ray into a difference petpet and then move it to another account.

Haha! That means I will be able to amass my personal army of frogglers! Thanks for confirming that cool tidbit, but I discarded mine and you have to have the lab on each account you do this on!


Haha! That means I will be able to amass my personal army of frogglers! Thanks for confirming that cool tidbit, but I discarded mine and you have to have the lab on each account you do this on!


No problem! All I'm trying to do is give my girlfriend the two other petpets that she didn't get from her starter pack, which I luckily got on my account. :) Hopefully ditsy doesn't go poof.

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