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I don't know if this has already been discussed before, but I've always wondered what this was. From the Map of Neopia page, if you have the world turned so Altador and Faerieland are both visible, right above the image of Altador (touching the top of the tallest snow capped mountain, but to the left) is a purplish circle of something I can't make out. And also above Altador and right below Shenkuu, the purple snow capped mountains between them go around in a perfect circle. Are the working on a new location to add to Neopia sometime soon, or has this always been there?


I don't see anything like that on my map xD Can you provide a screenshot?


Whoa... that's really cool. I've never noticed it before, but then again I've never paid much attention to that part of the map. It'd be awesome if that patch of land turned out to be some sort of hidden village, but who knows, maybe they originally intended to draw another forest patch or mountain there, but then decided not to and forgot to take out the outline of it.


Good eye!

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