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Neoquest I - Help..


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That's the definitive site for NQ (I particularly like strangefire's skills guide; I like playing conservatively with lots of healing; his other guides tell you how much of each item to make sure to get when; my first time through I had to go back and get more glowing stones while earning no XP, which was a waste of time). Do check TDN's avatar guide (search for "Neoquest") -- one involves losing to a weak baddie, if I remember correctly, and you'll want to do that at the beginning of your game before you've accumulated too much gold (you lose gold when you die).

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Thank you, I was scrolling through that site, but there are a good amount of guides and it was just so hard to read them all and decide which to pick!


Much appreciated :)

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I used strangefire's guide, too. I think it's the best. It got me through on both Normal and Evil, and it's almost gotten me through InSaNe!


The maps on the site are really useful, too.

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I found that I liked to switch between the guides on that site depending. Some were really weak during parts, others were much stronger. I think that I used hystvxk's for the majority of the time, and switched around and read the others when I found it lacking. Don't worry about going between them! :)

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