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There's an Intro section? Woops


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Hey guys, I'm clearly super derp because I had no clue there was an intro section (even though there are always intro sections on forums lolbrain).

I'm Spyke and I'm a 20 year old university student in Maryland, USA. I am currently a biological sciences major and a psychology minor. I graduate in May with my bachelor's degree and will begin my pursuit of a master's in forensic science in the fall. I started playing neopets 10.5 years ago and have drifted in and out with various accounts whose passwords were long gone etcetc. I'm always most active during the Advent Calendar, but got a new burst of neopets love. I started in on the forums at TDN to connect with fellow Thieves Guild members for wartime shenangians.

TL;DR version: I've been posting without introducing. So hi.

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Thanks for the welcome guys :] Hopefully I'll be around on the forums more. One of my (many) neopets goals is avatar collecting, and the lending is impacted by activity sooo yup. XD I'll never have enough collat. Ever. I've come to terms with this. Plus, I'm totally cool with getting more of a community feel out of neopets. That's part of the reason I've been in and out is I've only really spoken to irl friends through the messages and such.

Also, I zap pound pets and adopt them back out so it's always nice to get more awareness about that sort of thing.

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Also, I zap pound pets and adopt them back out so it's always nice to get more awareness about that sort of thing.

Yay for adoptions! I'm glad to see more and more people doing this - it helps keep those poor pets out of the pound. I myself am part of a pretty big guild that adopts and zaps pound pets, we're pretty passionate about helping abandoned pets find new homes, so it makes me happy to see other people doing this as well :) Are you a casual zapper or are you also pretty strict about who your pets go to?


I have 5 labs, so I'm pretty particular about where my foster pets go to once they're out!

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So far I've really only bothered to do so for my irl friends and for myself. A few others, but not a significant number. Maybe three or four folks. They'll pick a pet in the pound whose name they like, transfer to me, I zap until they're content on both petpet and neopet.

I have every intention of spanning out a bit broader and letting my fosters go to others, but was doing that sort of thing first.

I only have the one lab so it can take a good while, but I haven't gotten around to setting up a standard form or anything for folks. I tend to be rather particular about account age since I've played for so long. A less common color or LE pet would require a higher age than a more common color on a standard pet. I would have a minimum account age requirement though. As an avatar collector, I like to see that avatars are present. If they aren't, I look at the gallery, neodeck, and stamp album to see if they prefer that sort of collecting. I also look at trophies. I'm partial to site event trophies since pretty much anyone can participate to some extent and I'm empathetic toward people like me who are awful at the games. I look to see the status of their current pets. If they're sick or unhappy, I'm less likely to choose them. I do judge based on how they type to me. If they're using chatspeak, being rude, or something like that, then I simply don't have the patience for it.

I'm not sure if that's picky of me or not XD I know I've seen tons of other folks who have very strict requirements that my account wouldn't qualify for even playing as long as I have.

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I say that's good, though! As opposed to some people who zap pets and just pound them again - that seems counter productive xD It shows you care about the pets that come under your care even for a short while. I'm just happy to see more people like you out there, rescuing pound pets and trying to make sure they go to good homes :)

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