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What do you think of anthro neopets?


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Like the designs they use for the characters in plots and stuff.


For simplicities sake, I'm going to class anthro as any neopet that stands upright naturally.


I personally love anthro pets. I draw my neopets anthro all the time. In fact, I don't think I've drawn either of my Boris as quads. I can't draw quads though.


I don't know why I like anthro pets more than the regular pets.

I just do. They appeal to me way more.

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I think they're okay, but I don't really care about them. I've used "animal" Neopets since childhood and been encouraged by the website to view them as pets, and anthro Neopets are human enough that it's weird to keep them like that. The world in general lacks solidarity, though.

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I think they're okay, but I don't really care about them. I've used "animal" Neopets since childhood and been encouraged by the website to view them as pets, and anthro Neopets are human enough that it's weird to keep them like that. The world in general lacks solidarity, though.

No kidding. Sometimes I think making all pets anthro would make customizations look better, but there's the whole owning a pet that's a little too human. x.x

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I think the NC Mall really caters to anthropomorphic pets. Converted Skeiths for example (though their big sizes show the designs off).


I think some anthro. pets work really well such as the leader of The Sway, Lord Darigan, and Bruno. I see why TNT may favour it though as it allows easier expressions in illustrations and would probably be compositionally easier in comic strips and group images.

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Anthro is the way to go! :3 I can't draw quad to save my life so that's the only way I can stand to draw my pets lol.


I usually go on the human side; take a normal human and give them pet ears/tail/wings whatever. I don't do like, hybrid-Island-of-Dr.-Monroe animorph kind of anthros with the animalistic muzzles, joints, paws etc.

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It's annoying that the only way my Eyrie can have a staff or sword is having it stuck in the ground beside him.


THIS. My battle pet is a Halloween Uni and most swords that are stuck in the ground are either too big or clash with the background :(


I also think that dresses and trousers are lost on quad pets.. think of how much better a dress fits on a lutari or draik than it does on say, a Eyrie.


Just a final thing.. how do you classify kikos? def. not anthro, but also not a quad.. i guess... blob? :p

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That's a good question - Neopets have always been anthro to me as long as I can remember, it's how I depict them more often than not, though when I played in the arlier days there were more quad characters (who shifted to anthro), and I originally depicted them as such. I guess I could say I shifted with them. Since "humans" do not exist in the setting of Neopia (as you see in plots and events), and pretty much all around the site, the idea of owners may seem lost to many (which is why some may prefer more pet-like virtual pet sites where the in-game universe is populated by human characters). As a result of the setting, all my Neopet characters are anthro as well (my Koi on the other hand are depicted as mermaids), moreso than the art style of the site itself. As far as being an "owner" goes, I see myself as more of just a player, who writes about these Neopets and expands on their characters and the world of Neopia as a whole.



I don't have any issues with anthro pets because typically the "pet" becomes their own person/character and the "owner" becomes more of a story writer/ or friend in the Neoverse. I but I do think that if the pets were officially anthro it would weird me out to much. The Idea of anything Humanish as a pet just seems wrong


Pretty much, and if they were TOO anthro, well - it just wouldn't be a virtual pet site at all, would it?

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This is such an interesting question that I never even thought of before - anthro or quad. I own one quad (Poogle), two anthros (Kyrii and Shoyru), and a Kiko (not sure which? :p) but I have to say that being anthro has never really influenced my liking of the pet. I do agree that many wearables just go better with anthro pets logistically. That's not to say that you can't make some wicked customizations on quad pets though. As a player, I've just been drawn to Neopet designs that I like without really taking into consideration if the pet is anthro or not.

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This is an interesting topic. I never viewed them in that sense. I think I like them when they aren't arthro. I wish they kept Lutaris they way they were orignally made. Thats the only one I have that "stands up". I do have a quiggle... but thats the lab rays fault. I want my Lupe back lol

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