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Getting a frozen account back?


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I was just wondering if anyone has any advise on getting a frozen account unfrozen? I have a very old account from when I was a kid. Well, I had stopped playing a long ago for whatever reason (I probably got bored and forgot about it.) Well, I came across something Neopets online and decided to play again for fun. I tried to get into my old account and couldn't rememebr my passowrd, so I guessed and guessed intill I remmeber the email I used for it and got my password that way. I loged in to see the message that my account was frozen. I assumed it was from inactivity. I sent a ticket a few days ago to see if I could be unfrozen. I keep thinking that I didn't do it right or could have worded something better. (I dunno, I'm paranoid.) Is there any chance I could get my account unfrozen or should I just forget about it?

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In order to get your account back you will need to prove to TNT that you are the original owner. You have the original email, which will go a long way, but you should go edit your ticket to include EVERY piece of information that you can remember about that account- any neofriends you had on it (they could just be your sides that you had friended!), any items you had in your SDB, pets you had adopted or pounded, abilities your pets had, etc. ANYTHING.

The more information you are able to provide, the better.


The message that says that you were frozen normally says a reason for the freezing. Are you sure that it didn't say why?

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If you hadn't played for a long, long time, it is more likely that your account was banned due to inactivity than frozen, for those "typical" reasons. I doubt TNT will give you the account back. I tried the same thing when I returned to play after a long hiatus. Luckily I must have logged into my main more recently than my side because I could still access it. However, even though I sent in a ticket proving I was the owner of my side account, they said it had been put on the purge list and there was nothing they would do to give it back.

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