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I'm hopping on board and asking for some battledome advice in preparation for the potential upcoming war!


My pet's stats aren't very high, and I'm curious if I'll be able to participate very fully?


Level: 20

HP: 18

Strength: 31

Defence: 31

Move: 20


Here are the items from TDN's weapon set guide that I have laying around in my SDB. What would be the best to use, and what else can I buy on a budget, considering the recent inflation?


Scarab Ring

Snowager Sword

Scroll of Knowledge

Scroll of the Scholar

Ridiculously Heavy Battle Hammer

Leaf Shield

Dark Nova

Jar of Meepit Eyes

Potion of Concealment

Magical Healing Potion



One last question! :p I've been reading some guides and while I think I'm starting to understand more about battling, is there any sort of strategy? Should weapons be used in a certain order? Do you play a constant every single turn? Is it more about personal preference?


I'm very very new at this, so any little bit of advice helps. Thanks so much in advance! ^_^


Your plot participation will depend on the strength of the enemies. With your pet, you might not be able to beat all of the enemies, but you'll definitely be able to do some of them. If you want a better chance, I suggest increasing your stats, especially HP. Also, you can try to work to the next strength and defense boosts at 35, and then keep pushing to get to the next boost. (If you don't understand boosts, you can read the Battlepedia guide at http://battlepedia.thedailyneopets.com/index.php/articles/viewarticle/battle-strength-defense-boosts/.)


I'm glad to hear you're using the TDN guide for weapons! You have some good ones. Recommended weapons will probably depend on your strategy, though, so I'm going to answer that question first.


Strategy is very much personal preference, and often depends on your pet. My strategy tends to be something like this:

Turn 1: Constant + Freezer

Turn 2: Constant + Bomb or 2 Constants

Turn 3: Constant + Healer

Turn 4: Constant + Shield (repeat until done)


When I was just starting out, I used a similar strategy, except I used a dual-duty instead of a constant, so it looked more like this:

Turn 1: Dual-Duty + Freezer

Turn 2: Constant + Bomb or 2 Constants

Turn 3: Dual-Duty + Healer

Turn 4: 2 Dual-Duties (repeat until done)


You could also use a shield on the first turn instead of the constant if you want to conserve your HP, which you probably do. There are certainly other strategies, such as using reflectors or stealing, or just using two constants to try to out-power your opponent. If you want to see another step-by-step guide, check out the Snow Beast guide on the Battlepedia. I like my strategy because I love attacking when my opponent is frozen. There's nothing more satisfying than doing a ton of damage and having none done to you.


My suggestion is to get into the Battledome, try different weapons in different orders, and see what you like best.


For your weapons, you have 2 dual duties and 3 constants, and they're all good ones. However, because of your low HP, I think you should invest in a few more shields. In addition to Leaf Shield, Parasol of Unfortunate Demise is a good one because it blocks full light icons and it defends with your opponent's defense boost instead of your own. I also really like Shiny Shoal Shell Shield for beginners like yourself because it defends a lot of different, common icons. Another good one is Virtupets X-514 Super Shield because it defends 5 of the 7 icons, though it doesn't defend as much of them as the SSSS.


I can see Dark Nova being a great weapon for you because of the healing, especially since it has the potential for full heal. It's one I've never used myself, so I don't know much about it, but if you used it in my strategy, you could essentially combine the healing and bombing turns. If you're interested in pure, multi-use healers, Lesser Healing Scroll would be good for you for awhile, and Bronze Scorchstone too because it's almost a full heal, but also overheals. They would be good upgrades for your Magical Healing Potion.


If you're looking for freezers, I recommend Scroll of Freezing or Randomly Firing Freeze Ray. They might be pricey, but they're worth it if you're planning to use freezing as a main strategy, since you'll use them until you're ready for a 100% freezer like H4000 Helmet.


For bombs, Jar of Meepit Eyes is one of the best, especially for its icons-to-price ratio. If you want something a little more expensive and with a little more power, Swift Darkfire Negg Bomb is a favorite of mine, especially since it won't inflate much since it's buyable in the Neggery. Other options are any 15-icon muffins like Shooting Star Muffin, Brain Muffin, or Radioactive Muffin.


For other upgrades, just keep following the TDN guide. You can mix and match between sets, so just take a look at the different weapons and decide what's best for you. Staffers have also recommended upgrades for some weapons in the reviews on their pages, so you could also look at the weapons you already have to see the recommended upgrades.


Hope that helps! Feel free to ask about anything more!

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